==== Background/Goal
Define & create the "global" visual styles for the design system, that will handle 90% of needs.
===== User stories
- As a designer, I need to understand what visual styles are considered to be "global" styles.
- As a designer, I need to be able to see the design specifications of each "global" style in order to incorporate into my designs.
- As a designer, I need "global" styles to be available in tokens so I can easily integrate into design implementation.
===== Considerations
- Much of this work is in flight or completed already. This ticket is meant to link up related tickets and centralize them.
===== Requirements
[X] We define a clear list of "global" visual styles to incorporate into the design system that account for 90% of feature style needs
[] Each "global" visual style has its own ticket to track design and implementation (and linked to this ticket)
[x] All "global" styles descriptions and principles are documented here: https://design.wikimedia.org/style-guide/visual-style.html
[] Each "global" visual style has its own specs in Figma (aka separate from specific components) (T295991)
[] "Global" visual styles are translated to Figma styles (when applicable) and applied to OOUI and Codex design components (T295606)
[] Each "global" style has been shared by the overall WMF design team
===== Acceptance criteria
[] Users can find a publicly available list of "global" styles in the code demo
[] Design contributors can access "global" styles in the design specs
===== Test scenarios
[to come]
===== Open questions
[to come]