* [x] provide extension interface to expose custom HTML and metadata for mobile (apps initially), revision scoring and others: T76883
* [x] (done, final check needed) Lock down public API entry points, only allow GET and non-modifying POST: T76166
* [x] Track changes (adapt Parsoid extension): T87520
* [x] Handle revision deletion and suppression in RESTBase: T76165
* [x] Document use cases / precipitate user stories in phabricator: T87518
* [ ] (ops) Order production hardware: T76986
* [ ] (ops) Public entry point: T78194
* [ ] Complete Parsoid integration: T75955
* [ ] Document the public API: T78214, [swagger-ui](https://github.com/wikimedia/restbase/pull/159); left TODO: spec clean-up
**TODO & not yet started**
* [ ] Double-check page_revisions & key_rev_value index / attribute requirements (namespace): store numeric namespace id
**Later (not release blockers)**:
* [ ] handle mis-matches between revision & title
* [ ] Read access for private wikis: T88016
* [ ] (ops) Move private cluster info (user/pass, likely also ips) into private hiera repo
* [ ] (ops) Possibly, figure out a way to name clusters & reference them from different hiera-assigned roles; see T76149.
* [ ] (ops) Set up cassandra metrics: T78514
* [ ] Dynamic npm module loading & generic module testing
* [ ] Create sqlite or mysql table storage backend for testing & small installs: T88190, T88191