//Corresponding task from "add a link": {T269638}//
After onboarding, the user should be seeing the article in "suggestions mode". This should be basically the same for "add an image" as it is for "add a link", following the specifications in {T269638} -- but it's actually simpler, because unlike for "add a link", none of the the structured task's activities will need to be interspersed in the article body. It is just the plain article, with the image inspector on top. Specifically:
* **Toolbar & Publish button**
** {T278165}
* **Editing surface**
** The user should not be able to actually change the text or elements of the article in any way, except through the link suggestions.
** Tapping on links in the article should do nothing (except the link suggestions).
** On desktop, hovering over links does nothing -- it does not open page previews.
//Mobile mockups as of 2021-08-26://
**NOTE:** Refer to Figma for up-to-date detailed redline mocks and specs: