We are a bit short on capacity on eqiad1. Let's reallocate this virt server and rename while at it.
root@labcontrol1001:~# nova list --all-tenants --host labvirt1009
| ID | Name | Tenant ID | Status | Task State | Power State | Networks |
| b95898d3-2d2c-4289-b400-2e81ef31aea4 | fullstackd-1550230187 | admin-monitoring | ACTIVE | - | Running | public= |
| 0e82f3c8-af65-433a-89dc-0f3425e7f585 | maps-tiles2 | maps | ACTIVE | - | Running | public= |
| 09f60ae1-78aa-4d17-8ff7-6d5fb29006dc | tools-bastion-03 | tools | ACTIVE | - | Running | public=, |
| 2c0cf363-c7c3-42ad-94bd-e586f2492321 | tools-exec-1420 | tools | ACTIVE | - | Running | public=, |
| 5fe2782a-13fa-4b10-baf1-f577dc698d7d | tools-exec-1427 | tools | ACTIVE | - | Running | public=, |
| 52ac2af1-fea2-4793-8d08-c850a186acf5 | tools-exec-1428 | tools | ACTIVE | - | Running | public=, |
| 5a41a2b1-5bdd-4d52-ba1c-72273b4fe6f3 | tools-exec-1440 | tools | ACTIVE | - | Running | public=, |
[x] drain labvirt1009
[x] check RAID configuration to create spare disks
[x] disable puppet in labvirt1009
[x] merge puppet patch to rename, get the new debian installer working and disable notifications (rename hieradata/hosts/labvirt1009yaml to cloudvirt1009.yaml and add "profile::base::notifications: disabled" temporarily)
[x] merge dns patch to add the new FQDNs (partial, the old mgmt names still remains)
[x] run the wmf-auto-reimage-host script (used old-school method)
[] merge DNS cleanup patch
[] merge puppet patch to re-enable notifications (remove "profile::base::notifications")
[x] netbox update https://netbox.wikimedia.org/dcim/devices/1453/
[x] update docs https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Portal:Cloud_VPS/Admin/Deployments
[] physical relabeling and switch port description
[] done