The [[ | WMF Technical Collaboration team ]] has some FY2015-16 budget available for Phabricator improvements. Let's agree on a sorted list of Phabricator improvements that could be proposed to Phacility Inc (Phabricator maintainers) for their prioritization, and then let's fund those that can be agreed with upstream and fit our budget.
Basic rules of this //game//:
* Technical Collaboration funds, and therefore the features proposed need to have clear benefit for volunteers.
* Proposals need to be presented in the form of existing or new tasks. Discussions specific to those improvements go to the tasks themselves. Here we discuss prioritization between tasks and other general topics.
* We will not argue with upstream about the convenience of certain improvements. If a proposal fits their roadmap, good. If not, that will be the end of the discussion within the scope of this task.
* This budget needs to be spent within this fiscal year (end of June), and counting back steps this means that we need to make quick decisions. In case of getting stuck in long debates, the TC team will make the last call, say by the end of May.
== Improvements confirmed ==
* {T165}
== Candidates ==
The list of candidates is closed now. We are drafting its prioritization in our discussion with the Phabricator maintainers. If you want to suggest changes in this list (additions / removals) or changes in priorities, please post them in a new comment.
# {T78236}
# {T76732}
# {T33}
# {T75851}
# {T1035}
# {T634}
# {T78824}
# {T78078}
== Lack consensus ==
If you want to discuss proposals in this list, please do it in their own tasks. Providing common usecases welcome.
* {T234} (no consensus in discussion, no clear mapping with a task upstream)
* {T624} (stress on "default"; unclear how many users really want this; changing the default setting is documented)
* {T800} (unclear usecase why to follow users instead of projects)
* {T883} (unclear plan upstream; duplicated and related tasks seems to be addressed similarly, hence depends on T76101)
* {T1378}
* {T76993}
* {T77708} (wontfixed upstream)
* {T127641}
== Unclear status upstream==
* {T45} (upstream isn't confident that they can build something which works well enough that they want to maintain)
* {T96} (a [[ | local patch ]] exists)
* {T109} (creating specific upstream tasks needed; TheDJ provided a list)
* {T110} (upstream says it is [[ | fixed ]] due to [[ | different task scope ]])
* {T127} (not actionable as upstream wants to investigate first)
* {T225} (up to upstream which infrastructure they'd like to use; funding might not help 'convincing')
* {T1016} (upstream has concerns about SVG and security risks)
* {T1375} ([[ | asked in upstream ]] what would be acceptable)
* {T78257} (related task is closed resolved upstream; Andre could not reproduce anymore)
* {T78830} (upstream built this as part of EditEngine they didn't like it and backed away from it.)
* {T85305} (upstream has no plans to do this)
* {T85440} (upstream warned that footer in workboards and Conpherence would be a lot more involved)
* {T86464} (lengthy discussion in related task upstream about user-defined formats; could be fixed locally via a translation hack, see T86464#1043362)
* {T91289} (upstream says that fixing this takes either a hardcoded solutions or a big amount of infrastructre work, and they don't feel like this is relevant enough to proceed with any)
* {T91648} (closed resolved upstream; needs rechecking downstream)
* {T98337} (not a problem according to upstream; subtask of {T109})
* {T98570} (upstream has an [[ | explanation for current behavior ]], related task is closed resolved)
* {T127903} (missing report upstream; likely to be a discussion on design decisions)
* {T134398} (under discussion upstream)
== Processing ==
You can help triaging these, moving under Candidates those which show a strong use case and consensus.
* {T76825} ([[ | wontfixed upstream ]] with explanation what's possible)
* {T84844} (missing report upstream, need current testing and assessment, looks trivial?)
* {T86463} (missing report upstream)
* {T94675} (missing report upstream)
* {T96464} (missing report upstream)
* {T97751} (missing report upstream)
* {T98334} (missing report upstream, not an essential feature)
* {T100400} (there is no 1:1 mapping with upstream tasks, it needs review)
* {T100943} (missing report upstream, it is a trivial change)
* {T115742} (missing report upstream, looks like a too narrow use case)
* {T127908} (too narrow use case, has alternative solution)
* {T135728} (missing report upstream)
* {T135729} (missing report upstream)
* {T135732} (missing report upstream)
== Ineligible ==
* {T75854} (marked fixed, but Phabricator search is still awful. It would be great to be able to reenable the Elasticsearch backend on our instance)
* {T86849} (local downstream request to change our Varnish configuration)