Part of {T101100}
== The problem ==
We are missing a community framework allowing Wikidata content and tech contributors, data engineers, and open data organizations to collaborate effectively.
FIXME: what are the specific problems that Wikimedia volunteers and/or interested open data organizations are facing?
* **What types of contributions are welcomed?** Open data orgs might want to dump all of their data somewhere. Wikidata might just accepts a few data types. How to know what is possible, what is useful?
* **How does the process work?** Everybody knows Wikipedia, less know Wikidata, even less know how to contribute to Wikidata, and even less how to show that data in Wikipedia, which frequently is the ultimate goal of the open data owners.
* **How does licensing and attribution work?** Licenses allowed in Wikidata, how are attributions shown, what happens when others reuse that data.
* **How is the data updated?** Are there any expectations on open data organizations in updating the data contributed? Also, what happens with changes made by other contributors to that data? How to upstream changes? How to avoid that they are just overridden in a next update?
* **How to contribute resources?** How to make effective use of resources available, i.e. a team in an open data organization is willing to work on a Wikidata project, there is a possibility to fund a data engineer in residence, to organize workshops and sprints (//datathons//?)
* **What precedents and ongoing projects are there?** Especially at the beginning, any previous / ongoing experience is going to be very useful for new open data organizations and Wikimedia contributors willing to get involved.
* What else?
== The solution ==
A basic framework agreed with the Wikidata community and documented (FIXME: where?), offering a process that addresses the questions asked above. Imagine [[ | GLAM ]] applied to data.
This framework needs to be tested and improved with real collaborations with some alpha-testing open data organizations that will need to be very patient and understanding with us. For that we will need experienced Wikidata contributors and consolidated Wikimedia teams able to handle the relationship with these organizations and work (or find the resources to work) on the technical solutions to their problems.
This goal aims to start walking in the right direction until reaching a first milestone that we can be happy about.
== Precedents ==
* [[ | ProteinBoxBot ]]: bots for populating wikidata with trusted biomedical information and for using that information to drive applications such as Wikipedia.
== Organizations interested ==
| Open data organization | Wikimedia team mediating | Contact person(s) |
| ----- | ----- | ----- |
| multiple | Wikimedia Belgium | Romaine |
| Add yourselves | | |
== Measurement of success ==
[ ] Publication of basic documentation and community processes for open data engineers and organizations willing to contribute to Wikidata.
[ ] Ongoing projects with 1 open data org.
== Dependencies ==
* Wikidata team
* Wikidata community
* Strategic Partnerships team
== ETA ==
== Relation with WMF Call to Action ==
EXPERIMENT: support innovation & new knowledge
* {T98359}
* {T98361}