(not counting Tools and deployment-prep, which should have their own plans).
We'd like to shut down all precise instances once LTS support for them ends in March / April 2017. Plan what to do and communicate to make sure people are aware. Users should be encouraged to upgrade to Debian Jessie.
Still present:
| Tenant | Instance | Can be deleted? (per whom) | Status |
| analytics | limn1 | no | not until T146308 |
| bots | wm-bot | asked T143349#2946792 and T157838 | |
| huggle | huggle | T157710 | |
| integration | integration-slave-precise-1002 | NO still used but will be migrated | T158652 - Zend 5.3 for CI T143349#2683793
| integration | integration-slave-precise-1012 | | T158652
| integration | integration-slave-precise-1011 | | T158652
| maps | maps-warper | T159846 | Tim Waters plans to work on this soon
| openstack | labs-vmbuilder-precise | no | We need to keep this until we're 100% sure we'll never need another precise base image |
| wildcat | dannyb | no | Andrew working with Danny on migration |
| Tenant | Instance | Can be deleted? (per whom) | Status |
| account-creation-assistance | accounts-db2 | T143349#2963643 | deleted |
| contributors | contributors-metrics | T143349#2962882 | deleted |
| editor-engagement | mwui | T154616 | shutdown as per ticket discussion |
| editor-engagement | docs | T157701 | deleted |
| fastcci | fastcci-master | done by upgrade, **do not delete!** | upgraded, resolved |
| fastcci | fastcci-worker1 |done by upgrade, **do not delete!** | upgraded, resolved |
| integration | integration-publisher | T156064 | Replaced by a Jessie one |
| maps | maps-wma1 | done by upgrade, **do not delete!** | upgraded, resolved |
| maps | maps-tiles1 | T157708 | presumed unused. Shut down, delete on 3/31|
| mediahandler-tests | mediahandler-tests-static | T143349#2921022 and https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/User_talk:Rillke#Labs_instance_mediahandler-tests-static.mediahandler-tests.eqiad.wmflabs | shutdown; delete on 3/31 |
| otrs | otrs-test2 | yes (as per akosiaris and filippo) | shutdown; delete on 3/31 |
| signwriting | signwriting-ase-wiki | yes (as per Slevinski) | shutdown, delete on 3/31 |
| social-tools | social-tools1 | | deleted |
| snuggle | snuggle-en | T158970 | deleted |
| sugarcrm | officetools | T128819#2965217 not yet | deleted |
| utrs | utrs-primary | T143349#2965177 and T159737 | deleted |
| visualeditor | towtruck | | shutoff |
| wikidata-dev | wikidata-suggester |T143349#2963021 | removed |
| wikidata-dev | wikidata-wdq-mm | T143349#2963902 (delete after 1/31) | shutdown |
| wikisource-dev | wikisource-dev | | shutdown. Discussion at https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User_talk:Billinghurst#Labs_project_.27wikisource-dev.27 |
| wikisource-tools | wsexport | | shutdown |
| wikistream | wikistream-web | | shutoff, delete 3/31 |
| wildcat | dannyb-large | | deleted |
| wildcat | dannyb-test | | deleted |
| wlmjudging | wlm-mysql-master | | shutdown -- asking leila|
| wlmjudging | wlm-apache1 | | shutdown -- asking leila |
Notices sent:
Dec 19th https://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/labs-announce/2016-December/000193.html
Feb 27 https://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/labs-announce/2017-February/000211.html
March 6 https://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/labs-announce/2017-March/000213.html
March 14 https://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/labs-announce/2017-March/000219.html