**Author:** `michael`
article, aside, figcaption, figure, footer, header, main, mark, nav, picture, progress, section, time
Many of these tags are a natural compliment or enhancement to the structure of Wikipedia's and Wiktionaries. Levels of support:
* Whitelist, to allow use in wikitext.
* Enable for non-supporting browsers (Internet Explorer 6, 7, 8).
* Add HTML5 elements to wikitext rendering.
* Incorporate HTML5 elements into Vector skin.
There's already some support in Mozilla 3.6 and Safari 5. An enabling script is required for IE 6-8 to enable applying CSS styles to these elements.
== References ==
Wikipedia: HTML5
New semantic elements in HTML5
HTML5 enabling script
See also T2671 - Whitelist more HTML tags: abbr acronym address dfn kbd q samp
== Support status as of 2016-03-18 (1.27) ==
| icon | meaning
| ----- | -----
| {icon ban color=red} | invalid (aka not a part of `<body>`)
| {icon lock color=red} | disabled for security reasons
| {icon pencil color=red} | disabled for security reasons (scripting)
| {icon file-text-o color=red} | disabled for security reasons (interactive form control)
| {icon wikipedia-w color=yellow} | handled or overrided by MediaWiki core
| {icon cogs color=yellow} | handled or overrided by MediaWiki extension
| {icon check color=green} | enabled
| {icon plus-circle color=blue} | enablable - semantic markup
| {icon plus-square color=blue} | enablable - tables enhancement
| {icon plus-square-o color=blue} | enablable - needs some work though
| {icon file-text color=blue} | enablable - form control without interaction, for semantic markup
| tag | ? | notes
| ----- | ----- | -----
| `<a>` | {icon plus-square-o color=blue} | via discussion with @tstarling doable (in favour of enabling various relevant attributes rather than expanding the current `[[..|..]]` syntax) [there might be a task for it]
| `<abbr>` | {icon check color=green} |
| `<address>` | {icon plus-circle color=blue} | old HTML spec, not a new feature
| `<area>` | {icon cogs color=yellow} | handled by #ImageMap (`<imagemap>`)
| `<article>` | {icon plus-circle color=blue} |
| `<aside>` | {icon plus-circle color=blue} | {T104770}
| `<audio>` | {icon lock color=red} |
| `<b>` | {icon check color=green} |
| `<base>` | {icon ban color=red} |
| `<bdi>` | {icon check color=green} |
| `<bdo>` | {icon check color=green} |
| `<blockquote>` | {icon check color=green} |
| `<body>` | {icon ban color=red} |
| `<br>` | {icon check color=green} |
| `<button>` | {icon file-text-o color=red} |
| `<canvas>` | {icon pencil color=red} |
| `<caption>` | {icon check color=green} |
| `<cite>` | {icon check color=green} |
| `<code>` | {icon check color=green} |
| `<col>` | {icon plus-square color=blue} | old HTML spec, not a new feature; {T2986}
| `<colgroup>` | {icon plus-square color=blue} | old HTML spec, not a new feature; {T2986}
| `<data>` | {icon check color=green} |
| `<datalist>` | {icon file-text-o color=red} |
| `<dd>` | {icon check color=green} |
| `<del>` | {icon check color=green} |
| `<details>` | |
| `<dfn>` | {icon check color=green} |
| `<div>` | {icon check color=green} |
| `<dl>` | {icon check color=green} |
| `<dt>` | {icon check color=green} |
| `<em>` | {icon check color=green} |
| `<embed>` | {icon lock color=red} | {T18316}
| `<fieldset>` | {icon file-text color=blue} | old HTML spec, not a new feature; with `<legend>`
| `<figcaption>` | {icon plus-circle color=blue} |
| `<figure>` | {icon plus-circle color=blue} |
| `<footer>` | {icon plus-circle color=blue} |
| `<form>` | {icon lock color=red} |
| `<h1>` | {icon check color=green} |
| `<h2>` | {icon check color=green} |
| `<h3>` | {icon check color=green} |
| `<h4>` | {icon check color=green} |
| `<h5>` | {icon check color=green} |
| `<h6>` | {icon check color=green} |
| `<head>` | {icon ban color=red} |
| `<header>` | {icon plus-circle color=blue} |
| `<hr>` | {icon check color=green} |
| `<html>` | {icon ban color=red} |
| `<i>` | {icon check color=green} |
| `<iframe>` | {icon lock color=red} | {T18316}
| `<img>` | {icon lock color=red} |
| `<input>` | {icon file-text-o color=red} |
| `<ins>` | {icon check color=green} |
| `<kbd>` | {icon check color=green} |
| ~~`<keygen>`~~ | {icon file-text-o color=red} | deprecated now (see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/keygen)
| `<label>` | {icon file-text-o color=red} |
| `<legend>` | {icon file-text color=blue} | old HTML spec, not a new feature; with `<fieldset>`
| `<li>` | {icon check color=green} |
| `<link>` | {icon check color=green} |
| `<main>` | {icon plus-circle color=blue} |
| `<map>` | {icon cogs color=yellow} | handled by #ImageMap (`<imagemap>`)
| `<mark>` | {icon check color=green} |
| `<meta>` | {icon check color=green} |
| `<meter>` | {icon file-text color=blue} | T211259 fallbackable [ [[ https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/forms.html#the-meter-element | 1 ]], [[ https://css-tricks.com/html5-meter-element/#article-header-id-14 | 2 ]] ] to its content: `<p>Disk usage: <meter min=0 value=170261928 max=233257824>170 261 928 bytes used out of 233 257 824 bytes available</meter></p>`
| `<nav>` | {icon plus-circle color=blue} |
| `<noscript>` | {icon pencil color=red} | {T47731}
| `<object>` | {icon lock color=red} | {T18316}
| `<ol>` | {icon check color=green} |
| `<optgroup>` | {icon file-text-o color=red} |
| `<option>` | {icon file-text-o color=red} |
| `<output>` | {icon file-text-o color=red} |
| `<p>` | {icon check color=green} |
| `<param>` | {icon lock color=red} |
| `<picture>` | {icon lock color=red} |
| `<pre>` | {icon wikipedia-w color=yellow} |
| `<progress>` | {icon file-text color=blue} | fallbackable [ [[ https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/forms.html#the-progress-element | 1 ]], [[ https://css-tricks.com/html5-progress-element/#article-header-id-11 | 2 ]] ] to its content: `<p>Progress: <progress id="p" max=100><span>0</span>%</progress></p>`
| `<q>` | {icon check color=green} |
| `<rb>` | {icon check color=green} |
| `<rp>` | {icon check color=green} |
| `<rt>` | {icon check color=green} |
| `<rtc>` | {icon check color=green} |
| `<ruby>` | {icon check color=green} |
| `<s>` | {icon check color=green} |
| `<samp>` | {icon check color=green} |
| `<script>` | {icon pencil color=red} |
| `<section>` | {icon cogs color=yellow} | handled by #MediaWiki-extensions-LabeledSectionTransclusion {T32597}
| `<select>` | {icon file-text-o color=red} |
| `<small>` | {icon check color=green} |
| `<source>` | {icon cogs color=yellow} | handled by #SyntaxHighlight {T39042}
| `<span>` | {icon check color=green} |
| `<strong>` | {icon check color=green} |
| `<style>` | {icon plus-square-o color=blue} | {T52644}; in favour of #Accessibility and {T89134}, {T37704} and others
| `<sub>` | {icon check color=green} |
| `<summary>` | |
| `<sup>` | {icon check color=green} |
| `<table>` | {icon check color=green} |
| `<tbody>` | {icon plus-square color=blue} | old HTML spec, not a new feature; {T6740} {T5156}
| `<td>` | {icon check color=green} |
| `<template>` | {icon pencil color=red} |
| `<textarea>` | {icon file-text-o color=red} |
| `<tfoot>` | {icon plus-square color=blue} | old HTML spec, not a new feature; {T6740} {T5156}
| `<th>` | {icon check color=green} |
| `<thead>` | {icon plus-square color=blue} | old HTML spec, not a new feature; {T6740} {T5156}
| `<time>` | {icon check color=green} |
| `<title>` | {icon ban color=red} | overridable by `{{DISPLAYTITLE:}}`
| `<tr>` | {icon check color=green} |
| `<track>` | {icon lock color=red} |
| `<u>` | {icon check color=green} |
| `<ul>` | {icon check color=green} |
| `<var>` | {icon check color=green} |
| `<video>` | {icon lock color=red} |
| `<wbr>` | {icon check color=green} |