Users should be able to merge versions when they encounter an edit conflict. This should be done in the selected paragraph. However, since people should always know that all paragraphs are in theory editable, both show the edit button, just in different states of activity
**Acceptance Criteria**
[] If a version is not selected, it shows a deactivated edit icon in gray (#72777D)
[] If a version is selected, it shows an active edit icon in black.
[] If the text block is unchanged text, the edit button is activated
[] The clickable area of the edit button might be bigger then the icon itself
[] If users click on the activated edit icon,
[] The text box becomes an editor (without any editing toolbar)
[] The font changes to wikitext layout for both paragraphs (the selected and the non selected one), or for the unchanged text that is now in edit mode
[] The edit icon within the editor diappears. Instead, there appears
[] a checkmark: When this is clicked, the boxes content is "pre-saved", and displayed as content of the text box. This also resets the editor to being a text box, and at that point the inline diff will disappear (for changed paragraphs).
[] a back arrow: When this is clicked, a confirmation prompt appears and asks you: "**Discard changes?** Your text will be reset to what it was when the edit conflict occurred. [cancel] [discard]" (see example for [[https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/800/0*VQ5m5ilnQs4Lmuwt.png|reference]].)
If the user agrees, the box’s content is reset to what it was when the edit conflict occurred, and back in text box mode (not editor), with the inline diff working again (for changed paragraphs)
[] When the user hits save to resolve the edit conflict, please use the content of the open edit windows, and not of the previous version
Please use the OOUI-icons, if they look very different to the mock, please talk to @Hanna_Petruschat_WMDE
or @Charlie_WMDE
Inactive and active edit buttons: