Currently the feedback is mostly negative because it's bugs or people complaining on the mailing list. We should do a survey in regular intervals to get user feedback on toollabs. It should focus on the people who have an account on toollabs, but the scope could of course be broader. The questions should be made in a way that the survey helps to figure out if toollabs is on the right path. Are the volunteer developers happy with toollabs? Probably good to gather some input on what questions to ask.
The evaluation team ( can probably help out here or even take the lead.
|**item**| **status** |**who**|
|collect first set of questions from Yuvi|done|Leila|
|prepare a first draft of the survey|done|Leila|
|ask for Yuvi's feedback on the draft and improve the survey|done|Yuvi, Leila|
|ask for few employee feedback and improve|done|Yuvi, Leila|
|make a page on research meta to capture the survey and results|staged|Leila|
|ask for 2-3 volunteer feedback and improve|done|Yuvi,Leila|
|run the survey by Legal|done|Leila|
|prepare a list of potential participants|in-progress|Yuvi|
|send the survey out out|staged|scheduled for 2015-09-21|