== Hackathon showcase ==
This is the time to show the results of our work during the hackathon. We are looking for prototypes, new features, bugs fixed, results of all kinds of sprints.
=== Little program ==
* Quiz results (Alex)
* Syntec Numerique
* Projects showcase **(see instructions below)**
* Thank you, and see you soon (Rachel and Quim)
* Closing, including {T100266} (Sylvain)
=== [[ https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1kwNzXCSRYIwrLZBmBxSgYJd_J-XujLjMVHzVucL3NRM/viewform?usp=send_form | Nominate contributors for recognition ]] ===
We want to recognize contributors that went above and beyond during this hackathon. Newcomers that became great colleagues and brought impressive results... oldtimers that worked hard and helped to whoever came with questions... You know who we are talking about. [[ https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1kwNzXCSRYIwrLZBmBxSgYJd_J-XujLjMVHzVucL3NRM/viewform?usp=send_form | Nominate them! ]]
=== Projects showcase ===
In order to showcase your project, edit this task and add the related data below:
> * Name of project - TNNNNN (Phabricator task)
> ** One sentence description.
> ** URL of the demo, if available.
> ** Team (list Phabricator usernames, i.e. @rfarrand)
> ** Special requirements for your showcase (if it's not a URL we can open from the laptop in the room, please come at 3pm to the Auditorium and find @Alexcella and arrange your showcase in advance.
* MediaWiki 1.25 release - T88709
** Today we are happy to announce the availability of MediaWiki 1.25, the latest stable version.
** (no URL really)
** @demon will present as release manager for 1.25
** Nothing special needed
* Wiki-HoaxBuster
** A browser extension to get a better view about pages revisions and spot unreliable information
** https://github.com/geekuillaume/wiki-hoaxbuster
** @geekuillaume @quentin01 @saveman71
** Our computer to show the browser extension
* Flickr upload in UploadWizard
** Refactoring validation of Flickr licenses to the backend in preparation for more refactoring on the frontend and eventually turning Flickr imports on for every user on Commons.
** https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/212948 and https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/213234
** @bawolff and @MarkTraceur
** We'll demo the API and the current version of the interface on one of our computers.
* Wikipedia on Apple Watch
** Extension of the Wikipedia iOS app on the Apple Watch, with voice search, saving pages to view later on iPhone, and viewing article on iPhone immediately using Handoff.
** @Jason.ji and @Fjalapeno
** https://github.com/coreyfloyd/apps-ios-wikipedia/tree/hackathon/apple-watch
** We will need to have a camera pointed at our watches projecting onto a screen of some sort.
* Generate SPARQL queries from natural language questions
** Querying Wikidata using SPARQL is very powerful but it is hard to create complex queries. We developed a tool which creates SPARQL queries based on questions in natrual language.
** https://tools.wmflabs.org/ppp-sparql/
** @Tpt and @Bene
** Just show the url :-)
* Surface Image Content Gap
** This project aims at writting a tool that crawls wikipedia article categories in order to find article without images and sort them by decreasing number of views (i.e. the first results are the articles that are read more)
** code: https://github.com/Commonists/SurfaceImageContentGap and exemple of result: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:PierreSelim/RugbySTReport
** @PierreSelim
** Won't be able to demo due to early flight back.
* Citations and usage of of DOIs in Wikipedia
** DOIs are identifiers for scholarly articles, e.g. http://dx.doi.org/10.5555/12345678. Two projects: one to gather a live stream of edits to Wikipedia that contain citation information. The other looks at the referral logs to see how many people click on DOI links from Wikipedia.
** http://chronograph.labs.crossref.org/domains/wikipedia.org
** http://events.labs.crossref.org/events/types/WikipediaCitation/live
(Technically this was not completed at the hackathon, but it was done with the help of people here, and we have discussed improvements and outcomes. Also should be of interest to the audience.)
* ReleaseTagBot - T280
** Bot to tag MW releases / wmf deploys to tasks after a patch is merged
** https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/p/Forrestbot/feed/
** @valhallasw, @legoktm and lots of input from @jdforrester-wmf
* Pywikibot - docs - T66846 / T100109
** Make sphinx-based Pywikibot docs and deploy them on docs.wikimedia.org
** https://doc.wikimedia.org/pywikibot/
** @hashar @legoktm @multichill @jayvdb @ladsgroup @valhallasw
* Your entry
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