The Buster 10.10 point release brings a number of bugfixes (including some security fixes):
I've verified that no removed package is in use by us.
Use this ticket to track the respective updates across the cluster.
[] apt
[x] base-files
[x] clamav
[] dnspython
[x] fluidsynth
[] glib2.0
[x] gnutls28
[] golang-github-docker-docker-credential-helpers
[] ipmitool
[x] isc-dhcp
[] jackson-databind
[] klibc
[x] libgcrypt20
[x] libxml2
[x] linux
[x] linux-latest
[x] linux-signed-amd64
[] mariadb-10.3
[x] nmap
[] node-hosted-git-info
[x] ruby-websocket-extensions
[x] velocity
These are unused by us:
[x] awstats
[x] berusky2
[x] clevis
[x] connman
[x] crmsh
[x] dput-ng
[x] eterm
[x] exactimage
[x] fig2dev
[x] freediameter
[x] fwupd
[x] fwupd-amd64-signed
[x] fwupd-arm64-signed
[x] fwupd-armhf-signed
[x] fwupd-i386-signed
[x] fwupdate
[x] fwupdate-amd64-signed
[x] fwupdate-arm64-signed
[x] fwupdate-armhf-signed
[x] fwupdate-i386-signed
[x] htmldoc
[x] ircii
[x] isync
[x] libbusiness-us-usps-webtools-perl
[x] libgetdata
[x] libmateweather
[x] liferea
[x] linux-signed-arm64
[x] linux-signed-i386
[x] mqtt-client
[x] mumble
[x] mupdf
[x] node-glob-parent
[x] node-handlebars
[x] node-redis
[x] node-ws
[x] nvidia-graphics-drivers
[x] nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-390xx
[x] opendmarc
[x] openvpn
[x] php-horde-text-filter
[x] plinth
[x] rust-rustyline
[x] rxvt-unicode
[x] sabnzbdplus
[x] scrollz
[x] shim
[x] shim-helpers-amd64-signed
[x] shim-helpers-arm64-signed
[x] shim-helpers-i386-signed
[x] shim-signed
[x] speedtest-cli
[x] tnef
[x] uim
[x] user-mode-linux
[x] wml
[x] xfce4-weather-plugin
These are only used by the installer, which has been rebuilt:
[x] debian-installer
[x] debian-installer-netboot-images