"As a Reader, I want to get the current version of a media file, so I can read, view or listen to it. "
GET /file/{title}
Get information about a file.
Notable request headers: none
Request body: None
200 - OK
404 – No such file
Notable Headers: none
Body: JSON
- title: title of the file
- timestamp: last modified timestamp, YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ
- preferred: information on the preferred representation of the file for representation in a document, with these elements
- mediatype: media type for the preferred representation of the file
- size: size of the preferred representation of the file in bytes
- width: width of the preferred representation of the file in pixels if applicable (image, video, ...?)
- height: height of the preferred representation of the file in pixels if applicable (image, video, ...?)
- duration: temporal duration of the the preferred representation of the file in seconds if applicable (video, audio, ...?)
- url: full URL of the binary version of the file (the image/audio/video/document itself)
- original: information on the original representation of the file as uploaded, with {width, height, duration, mediatype, url}
- modified: array of automatically modified elements (for example, resized or converted), each with {width, height, duration, mediatype, url}
- license: array of strings with the [[ https://spdx.org/licenses/ | SPDX ]] list of licenses for the file
- author: user who uploaded the latest version of the file, object with {id, name}
- contributors: array of users who uploaded earlier versions, each an {id, name} object