This task is about identifying, as a team, the potential impacts automatic topic subscriptions could have on the cadence and culture of on-wiki conversations.
We will also use this task to determine how we will identify, and respond to, a scenario were it to arise.
=== Pre-mortem Link
[T290508: Automatic Topic Subscriptions](
=== Process
|Step|Description|Person/People Responsible | Status|Format | Target Completion Date|
|1. | Identify and document potential failure scenarios | Editing Team | {icon check-circle color=green} **Done**|Async | 17-Sep
|2. | Cluster failure scenarios | @ppelberg | {icon check-circle color=green} **Done**| Async | 22-Sep
|3. | Estimate impact and likelihood of each failure scenario | Editing Team |{icon check-circle color=green} **Done**|Sync| 23-Sep
|4. | Prioritize failure scenarios to plan for| @ppelberg | {icon check-circle color=green} **Done** |Async | ~~24-Sep~~ Actual: 30-Sep
|5.|Propose leading indicators (e.g. qualitative and quantitative) for prioritized scenario | @MNeisler + @ppelberg | {icon check-circle color=green} **Done**|Async | 1-Oct
|6.|Propose a plan of action/mitigation strategy for each `High` and `Medium` Priority scenario | Team| {icon check-circle color=green} **Done** |Async | 8-October
|7.|Relate each scenario to a planned analysis that will be defined in the experiment plan | @MNeisler + @PPelberg | !!{icon cog spin} in progress!! |Async| 15-October