== Background
With decision on {T337444} to change Red600 of before `#d33` to slightly darker `#d73333` to also enable sufficient color contrast on light gray backgrounds, we also need to update the color in scattered projects across teams.
Current [[ https://codesearch-beta.wmcloud.org/search/?q=%23d33&files=&excludeFiles=&repos=#Extension:ContentTranslation | codebase search ]].
It's advisable to use [[ https://lsc.toolforge.org/css/simple-replace | Large-Scale Changes tool ]] for it.
== Goal
Replace `#d33` with `#d73333` in MediaWiki core, extensions and skins for consistency and to set clear example for volunteers as well, who are working in their extensions and orient on code from Vector and other extensions.
=== Acceptance criteria
[] In CSS files we should go with the hex color
[] In Less files we should consider `@color-destructive` when it's the right application.