**Scenario:** Show aggregate data to organizers after the event is over, if there is at least 10 answers on EventDetails special page
===Acceptance criteria===
* Given I am an organizer
** And I go to Special:EventDetails/{eventID}
** And the event has ended and the data is aggregated
** Then I should be able to see a new tab "Response statistics"
* Given I am an organizer
** And I go to Special:EventDetails/{eventID} "Response statistics" tab
** If the event has no answers then this is covered by this task T341341
* Given I am an organizer
** And I go to Special:EventDetails/{eventID} "Response statistics" tab
** I can see a list of all questions and all options with aggregated data
** And the headers should match the text in T321822 but without "(optional)"
** And data for each question should be in a collapsible section
* Given I am an organizer
** And I go to Special:EventDetails/{eventID} "Response statistics" tab
** Then for a question which has less than 10 answers,
** I see "This question has received less than 10 total responses"
* Given I am an organizer
** And I go to Special:EventDetails/{eventID} "Response statistics" tab
** Then for a question which has at least 10 answers,
** Then for each option we display a table with the data as per the below ACs
** And the table headers should be "Option", "Percentage", and "Number"
** And the text in the "Option" column should match the options in T321822
* Given I am an organizer
** And I go to Special:EventDetails/{eventID} "Response statistics" tab
** Then for each option, which has less than 5 answers
** I see "less than 5"
* Given I am an organizer
** And I go to Special:EventDetails/{eventID} "Response statistics" tab
** Then for each option, which has at least 5 answers
** I see the number
* Given I am an organizer
** And I go to Special:EventDetails/{eventID} "Response statistics" tab
** Then if all options for the question have at least 5 answers
** I see the percentage for each option
[[ https://www.figma.com/file/lJUO73TtMpoyn30zm1qFq7/Campaigns-registration-V2?type=design&node-id=2140%3A62541&mode=design&t=wRWjcQ6dOvEUBIi8-1 | Design specs ]]
[[https://www.figma.com/proto/lJUO73TtMpoyn30zm1qFq7/Campaigns-registration-V2?type=design&node-id=2140-62541&t=itT0hPBrnknMPDcx-1&scaling=min-zoom&page-id=627%3A28978&starting-point-node-id=1779%3A50219&mode=design | Prototype ]]
**Note**: the copy used in the specs is outdated, see AC above for the latest version. Also, the order in which questions appear is just an example.
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