Since we reindex on a somewhat infrequent basis, we should have a ticket that collects the updates that will happen during the next reindex.
> This will be a recurring ticket, meaning that each time we do a reindex, we'll note it here and then use it again to list out new updates that will take effect the next time a reindex is done.
We should make or consider making announcements to the various communities that will be affected by the re-indexing, especially when there is a big gap between the discussion of the upcoming re-index and the actual re-index.
Items not yet done:
[] add your ticket here
Items done:
[x] {T294257}
[x] {T290079}
[x] {T284691}
[x] {T273508} — Adds weighted_tags field (add `--fieldsToDelete ores_articletopics,ores_articletopic` to the UpdateSearchIndexConfig script)
[x] {T280601}
[x] {T284185} after T281379 is deployed.
[x] {T282808}
[x] {T274200} — after T268730 is deployed
[x] {T274205} — after parent tasks are complete
[x] {T222669} - reindex French to test homoglyph plugin in production
[x] {T235654} — after T235561 is deployed
[x] {T206613} wikidata & commonswiki
[x] {T215967} - Reindex wikidatawiki (and commonswiki?) for inlabel
[x] {T217806}
[x] {T221691} - looks like commonswiki needs mappings update
[x] {T216738}—After ES6 upgrade and turning off LTR for Korean
[x] {T195071} - needs full reindex (from wikitext) to populate new page creation date field
[x] {T209156} - after T168427 and T209155 are deployed
[x] {T193407} (wikidata reindex)
[x] {T199884} (wikidata reindex)
[x] {T163642} (wikidata reindex)
[x] {T203005}
[x] {T200037}
[x] {T200204}
[x] {T197890}
[x] {T196404}
[x] {T196658}
[x] {T195912}
[x] {T191545} (After T191543 and T191544 are complete)
[x] {T189265}
[x] {T188452}
[x] {T182293}
[x] {T163642} - needs full reindex of Wikidata
[x] {T181426}
[x] {T175199} (this needs full reindex of Wikidata)
[x] {T177871}
[x] {T176397}
[x] {T167058}
[x] {T173464}
[x] {T162302}
[x] {T162292}
[x] {T144429}
[x] {T142721}
[x] {T142620}
[x] {T141216}
[x] {T142037}
[x] {T124592}
[x] {T102298}
[x] {T146804}
[x] {T146358}
[x] {T148052}
[x] {T41501}
[x] {T145023}
[x] {T137830}
[x] {T146402}
[x] {T145561}
[x] {T146907}
[x] {T132637}
[x] {T156371}
[x] {T158682}
[x] {T161139}
[x] {T162055}
[x] {T163832}
[x] {T162741}
[x] {T179945}
[x] {T223046}
[x] {T240550}
[x] {T246882} - deployed