Dump of things left to do
[X] {T198457} (was Change all e-mail lists so that recipients are @wikimedia.se addresses)
[] Add the remaining domains for which there are info@ addresses to GSuite
[] Handle board
[X] Create accounts for board
[] Use [[ https://admin.google.com/AdminHome#ConsumerInvite: | this tool ]] to request the pre-existing account for one of the board members be acquired by the organisational GSuite
[] Create group for board
[] Send out info to "förtroendevalda" about what will happen
[] Create accounts for each for them
[] Create the corresponding group and add users (e.g. valberedning)
[] {T197864}
[] Remove redirects from Loopia that are now handled by GSuite
[X] Staff
[X] Board
[] Förtroendevalda
[] Functional addresses
[] Move "typo aliases" to GSuite ([[https://support.google.com/a/answer/4524505?hl=en|instructions]])
[] Deprecate/remove the gsuite@ account after
[] Investigating how this affects signed contracts
[X] Adding the real André as admin to the Google for Nonprofits account
[] Delete test redirects from Loopia (both have test in the name)
[] Delete test accounts from GSuite
[] Investigate if the GSuite->Loopia tunnel is sensitive to capitalisation