For each of the errors, show the error message described below
##Errors that occur before special:import is loaded
|**error** | **mw behavior**| **example**| **error message**| **color**|**status**|
| missing info (Error message in the first step) | | first version of thumbnail could not be retrieved anymore [[ | 30th Street at 5th Avenue - Straße in New York.jpg ]] | The file cannot be imported, since it is missing <whatever it is missing> |red | Our error page with message "Can't import file because at least one of its revisions is missing an image file."|
| suppressed revisions (Error message in the first step) | | [[ | Doing LR work.jpg ]] | The file cannot be imported, since the page contains suppressed revisions (Is this an info that is public?)|red| Our error page with message "Can't import file because at least one of its revisions contains a suppressed file."|
| sum of number of file and text revisions bigger than 100 revisions)| MEDIAWIKI | [[ | 141227 Berliner Dom.jpg ]] ( on the test server the revision limit is set to 25 ) |The file cannot be imported. The sum of file and page revisions is bigger than 100. |red| Our error page with message "Too many revisions returned by the API, can't import."|
|sum of size of file and text revisions bigger than 250 MB)| MEDIAWIKI | [[,_extrem_Hochaufl%C3%B6send_und_beschriftet.png | Piz Forbesch Panorama.png ]] ( on the test server the aggregated file upload limit is set to 250MB ) | The file cannot be imported. The sum of all its revisions is bigger than 250 MB.|red|Our error page with message "Too many revisions returned by the API, can't import."|
|maximum filesize / uploadsize hit (as enforced by MediaWiki uploading)| maximum filesize / uploadsize hit: there is not really a "standard" way for this error case. The individual upload forms check this individually, and show an ugly red line of text. we might want to reuse the existing `largefileserver` message, which says: //"This file is bigger than the server is configured to allow."// (Warning, this is only for a single file, not for a file with multiple versions!) | [[,_Strahwalde,_Berthelsdorf_(2).jpg | Panorama Herrnhut Strahwalde Berthelsdorf.jpg ]] ( on the test server the single file upload limit is set to 100MB ) |reuse existing `largefileserver` message |red| Our error page with "The file you are currently trying to import exceeds the file size limit the import can handle."|
|file already exists | A pretty extensive warning appears in the standard upload form. {F17093742} Two messages could be reused: `fileexists-duplicate-version`: "The upload is an exact duplicate of {{PLURAL:$2 an older version older versions}} of <strong>[[:$1]]</strong>." `file-exists-duplicate`: "This file is a duplicate of the following {{PLURAL:$1 file files}}:" | just upload a file twice |`fileexists-duplicate-version`: "The upload is an exact duplicate of {{PLURAL:$2 an older version older versions}} of <strong>[[:$1]]</strong>." --> link to duplicate is included |red| |
|wiki not in wmf cluster | | |The file cannot be imported, since it is on <source wiki name>. Imports from that wiki are not allowed. |red| |
|revision history is somewhat broken| | ?|The file cannot be imported because there is a problem with the revision history.|red| |
|file format not accepted|existing messages (`filetype-badmime`, `filetype-mime-mismatch`, and more {F17093720} | [[ | La chenille de la carotte (1911).webm ]] |Use existing messages + add: Allowed file types are <list of allowed file types>|red| Subticket: T193229 |
|user is not logged in| UserNotLoggedIn | (this should actually never happen on WMF wikis due to global sign in)|You are not logged in. Please log in before importing the file.even better: show login form immediately|red| |
|missing user rights|PermissionsError {F17094384}, ReadOnlyError, ThrottledError, and UserBlockedError| e.g. User is not allowed to move files, the wiki is in maintenance mode, a user action hit a limit, or an IP got blocked for a short time. |The file cannot be imported, because you don't have the rights to do so.|red| |
|wrong licence| | |The file cannot be imported, because it is marked as <template name/ category name>. <The target wiki name> does not allow such files. |red|sub ticket: T194132 |
|missing right licence| | e.g. for de-wiki, the [[ | config file ]] requires cc-by-sa or something similar|The file cannot be imported, because it is not marked with one the required licences. Please add one of these templates, if appropriate. |red|subticket: T194502 |
##Errors related to file title
May occur before special:import is loaded, or after trying to save a new name
|title already exists|In the classic upload form this is shown as a yellow warning. The upload form shows up below the warning, so the user can resolve the issue by changing the target file name in the form (the file name of the source file is ignored then). I suggest we do the same. {F17093661}| |The file title already exists on <target wiki>. Please choose a different one.|red| |
|title already exists in source wiki||related ticket: T193209 |The title you are currently trying to import to already exists on <source wiki>. Please choose a different one - otherwise the other file will be hidden|red|The title edit page with message "The title you are currently trying to import to already exists on the source wiki" |
|title contains forbidden characters (when this does not come from core)|The classic upload form replaces all invalid characters (for both wgLegalTitleChars as well as wgIllegalFileChars) with dashes, shows a yellow warning explaining what happened, and shows the upload form again. The user can either change the name, or simply submit again. I suggest we do the same. {F17093677}| |The title has been changed, because it contains forbidden characters. These characters are not allowed for file titles: < list of characters>|yellow| |
##Errors related to configfile parsing
|**error** |**example**| **error message**| **color**|**status**|
|Missing section or subsection| There is no "Category" section, There is no "bad" in the "Category" section| The configuration file for your wiki (linking to the config file) does not contain enough info about <problem e.g. Category or Category/bad> to know if this file can be put on Commons.| red | Part of T194129|
**Note** All of these errors are tracked so that we see how often they appear (see T179564)