# Status
- jenkins-bot (quibble-vendor-selenium-docker): 1 passing, 2 failing
- Cindy-the-browser-test-bot: I ran tests for your patch and there were some errors:
- [[ https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/mediawiki/extensions/CirrusSearch/+/610396 | 610396 ]] (v5) patch under review
[x] add a separate patch renaming `@selenium-test` to `selenium-test` to check if webdriverio v4 tests pass in CI: [[ https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/mediawiki/extensions/CirrusSearch/+/617416 | 617416 ]]:
[] local development environment
[x] [[ https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki-Docker/Extension/CirrusSearch | MediaWiki-Docker/Extension/CirrusSearch ]]: P11874
[x] run the tests targeting the beta cluster ([[ https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/mediawiki/extensions/CirrusSearch/+/616734 | 616734 ]]): v4 P12120, v5 P12130
[] run the tests targeting mediawiki-vagrant ([[ https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/mediawiki/extensions/CirrusSearch/+/613007 | 613007 ]]): paste TODO
[] run the tests targeting Wikimedia Cloud Services ([[ https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/mediawiki/extensions/CirrusSearch/+/613007 | 613007 ]]): paste TODO
[] Update to v5
[] Update to v6