The goal of this task is to collect all the necessary English strings to publish the safety survey and initialize the necessary localization keys.
| Content | EN String | Notes | Approved by GDI |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Question | "In the last 30 days, have you felt unsafe or uncomfortable contributing to `$wgSiteName`?" or "In the last 30 days, have you felt unsafe or uncomfortable contributing to this `$wgSiteName`?" | Where `$wgSiteName` is eg. Wikidata, Wikimedia Commons, Meta-Wiki, ... for more details see {T294331}. If `$wgSiteName` is Wikipedia et simil add "this" before the `$wgSiteName`: "In the last 30 days, have you felt unsafe or uncomfortable contributing to this `$wgSiteName`?" | |
| Answer 1 | "Yes" | | |
| Answer 2 | "No" | | |
| Answer 3 | "I'm not sure" | For more details, see {T294854} | |
| Privacy statement | This survey is conducted by the Wikimedia Foundation. [[# | Read more]] or check the [[# | privacy statement]]. | Links to GDI meta page and privacy statement page needed. | |
| Thank you message title | Thank you for your response! | Feature not approved yet, for more details see {T294363} | |
| Thank you message text | Visit the [[# | Community Safety survey page]] to learn more about this project, find [[# | harassment resources]], and provide your feedback. | Feature not approved yet, for more details see {T294363}. Links to project page and resources page needed. | |