T337431 introduced a machine-readable list of domains (`MediaWiki:BlockedExternalDomains.json`) projects block from being added to a page.
This task involves the work of making said "machine-readable list of domains" accessible via API so that editing interfaces can do things //like// provide feedback about how reliable projects are to consider the source someone is attempting to add (e.g. T276857).
=== Story
As a [staff [i] or volunteer [ii]] developer motivated to improve the quality of edits people publish using MediaWiki editing interfaces, I'd value being able to offer people who are editing feedback about how reliable experienced volunteers are going to consider the source(s) they're adding, so that the people publishing said edits can decide whether they'd like to make adjustments to he source(s) they're planning to reference.
=== Requirements
=== Open questions
- [ ] 1. What source list(s) (e.g. `MediaWiki:BlockedExternalDomains.json`, `MediaWiki:Spam-blacklist`, etc.) will the API initially support?
- [ ] 2. What – if anything – limits our ability to expand the "source lists" "1." refers to over time?
i. E.g. Members of the Editing and Community Tech Teams
ii. E.g. volunteers working on reference reliability scripts and gadgets: @suffusion_of_yellow ([wikilint.js](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Suffusion_of_Yellow/wikilint.js)), @Headbomb ([User:Headbomb/unreliable](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Headbomb/unreliable)), @Novem_Linguae ([CiteHighlighter.js](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Novem_Linguae/Scripts/CiteHighlighter)), @SuperHamster ([CiteUnseen.js](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:SuperHamster/CiteUnseen))