**Steps to replicate the issue** (include links if applicable):
if you setup your wiki to run directly under the URL e.q. https://wiki.company.net/
then the reply and subscribe Button are not shown on discussion Pages.
if you change the wiki to run under a subFolder e.g. https://wiki.company.net/wiki/ , then it works
$wgArticlePath = "/$1"; # doesn't work
$wgArticlePath = "/wiki/$1"; # work
I found out that the problem results from an wrong regex build within CommentUtils::getTitleFromUrl().
If you run the wiki with subFolder e.g. /wiki/
then the value of $articlePathRegexp = `/\/wiki\/([^?]*)/`
The value from $config->get( 'ArticlePath' ) is https://local/wiki/User_talk:Tom_Ramm
So the result from this function will be: **User_talk:Tom_Ramm**
But if you change the LocalSettings.php to `$wgArticlePath = "/$1"; `
then the value from $articlePathRegexp = `/\/([^?]*)/ `
The value from $config->get( 'ArticlePath' ) is https://local/User_talk:Tom_Ramm
So the result from this function will be: **/local/User_talk:Tom_Ramm**
the starting /local/ in the result is the problem.
my solution is to change the code (starting from line 488) to:
$articlePath = $config->get( 'ArticlePath' );
if ($articlePath === "/$1") {
$articlePath = "/local/$1";
$articlePathRegexp = '/' . str_replace(
preg_quote( '$1', '/' ),
preg_quote( $articlePath, '/' )
) . '/';
**Software version**
MW 1.40.0
Discussion tools 0.0.0 (as showing in Special:Version) / REL_140