Tracking task of the agreed work between the #cloud-services team and the #infrastructure-foundations one for a better integration with WMCS of the cookbook automation.
I've grouped the work based on affected areas. We can open subtask as needed.
#### Improve the laptop local environment
T319426 Add ssh socks5 proxy support (blocks removing duplication) (1 day)
#### New WMCS cookbooks repository
[x] Create new repo or reuse wmcs-cookbooks (done! (0 days :} )
T319436 Import into the new repo the code, splitting libs from cookbooks (½ day)
T322511 [spicerack][alertmanager] support silencing alerts without instance label
T319438 Remove code duplication (alertmanager) (1w)
T319450 Move the libs to spicerack modules (2w this might be really easy though, depending on the module solution)
#### Setup the production infrastructure
T323516, T323518 Create cloud cumin ganeti hosts, 2 VMs, one per DC (½ day)
[ ] Setup dedicated SSH config for the double jump in cloud (½ day) ([patch](
T325067 Decide sudoers rules for WMCS staff without global root
#### Setup the Cloud infrastructure
T323483 Define which SSH key to use to SSH from the new cloud-cumin to hosts
T323484 Fine tune the SSHd config of the restricted bastion for better performances (½ day)
#### Spicerack improvements
[X] Add module injection support (2 days) ([patch](
[X] Add register of accessors support (2 days) ([patch](
T325168 Load cookbooks from multiple directories (2 days)
[ ] Solve the SAL problem (1~2w)
[ ] Add sudo everywhere (1w, might be less)
[ ] Add CI step to test with wmcs cookbooks (1w)