During previous times working on read-onlys and server switches, we have observed a lot of room for improvement. The goal is to provide a better quality service.
Here is the improvement plan:
[] Discuss with Erica about having a third person involved in the process. Rationale:
- We want to add quality checkins, with one person doing the task and the other checking up on it.
- Since we only work for 1,5 FTE in total, can have vacations and times off, the idea is to have a third person to be a reliable backup and cover these times off.
- Based on Tech News experience, we prefer not to rely on volunteers to help for now, even if some would be available and skilled.
[] Create a Phabricator template, maintained by us, to request banners for server switches and read-onlys
[] Reuse the current steps we have
[] Add a checkup step for translations (are they done, are links functioning, etc?)
[] Add a checking step for each item, written down in the checklist.
[] Improve messages sent to communities
[] We only have two reusable messages:
- [[ https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Tech/Server_switch | One for server switches ]]
- One for read-onlys
[] Change the date format so that translators don't have to deal with dates translations at each usage of the message (reuse Tech News'). But leave space for local times for languages that cover multiple timezones.
[] Document publicly the fact that:
- two people work on a task, the assignee and the checker
- the assignee does the job, and the checker checks it
- assignee can change but in this case, the task is reassigned
- we debrief after each task, and we iterate on the process if needed
- provide links to the two messages so tat translators can find them