A new release has been created: https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/g/operations/software/wmfmariadbpy/+/refs/tags/v0.7
The packages are built, and uploaded to apt.wm.o.
This release needs to be coordinated with a puppet change: https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/operations/puppet/+/665324
[x] Log that the upgrade is starting: `!log Deploying wmfmariadbpy 0.7 T283228`
[x] Disable puppet on all db primaries: `sudo cumin A:db-role-master 'disable-puppet "Deploying wmfmariadbpy 0.7 - kormat - T283228"'`
[x] Merge puppet CR
First primary:
[] Upgrade wmfmariadbpy packages on db2142 (x2 primary in codfw): `sudo apt install wmfmariadbpy-common`
[] Run puppet manually (puppet will not start the systemd service for pt-heartbeat itself, by design, so this should be safe)
[] `pkill -f pt-heartbeat-wikimedia && systemctl start pt-heartbeat-wikimedia`
[] Check the heartbeat table to ensure that writes are happening.
[] Check that `sudo -u nagios db-check-health` succeeds.
[] Upgrade wmfmariadbpy packages on cumin2001: `sudo apt install wmfmariadbpy-common`
[] Check that mysql.py and db-replication-tree work correctly.
At this point there should be a clear go/no go to continue the deployment. If everything looks good:
[] Use debdeploy to upgrade packages on all db primaries: `sudo debdeploy deploy -u $SPECFILE -s db-role-master`
[] Run puppet on all db primaries: `sudo cumin A:db-role-master 'run-puppet-agent -e "Deploying wmfmariadbpy 0.7 - kormat - T283228"'`
For each primary (in both DCs):
[] `pkill -f pt-heartbeat-wikimedia && systemctl start pt-heartbeat-wikimedia`
[] Check the heartbeat table to ensure that writes are happening.
Everywhere else:
[] Use debdeploy to upgrade packages on all other machines that use them.