Abandoned, c.f. T227983#5334256. There's no phab project nor on-wiki documentation AFAICT.
**To-do list**
- This task
-- [x] Add maintainers of that extension/skin as subscribers to this task (if they have no apparent Phabricator account, notify them on-wiki or via email if possible and note it here).
- Translatewiki.net/translations
-- [x] Remove from `translatewiki.net` (`groups/MediaWiki/mediawiki-extensions.txt` / `groups/MediaWiki/mediawiki-skins.txt`) (add #translatewiki.net project as a tag for this task).
- Configuration/tests/integrations/etc.
-- [x] Remove from `mediawiki/extensions` / `mediawiki/skins` (along with in `.gitmodules`).
-- [x] Remove tests in [[ https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/g/integration/config | `integration/config` ]] (`zuul/layout.yaml`).
-- [ ] Remove manifest/other references from `mediawiki/vagrant` if they exist.
-- [x] Remove from https://doc.wikimedia.org/cover-extensions/ if present (requires #continuous-integration-infrastructure shell user to delete directly from the server).
- Repositories
-- [x] Empty repository leaving only the README indicating the repo is archived and referring to this task by URL.
-- [x] Mark the repository read-only in Gerrit (Edit description to prepend "[ARCHIVED]" and append Task reference): (https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/p/mediawiki/extensions/Copyvio).
-- [ ] Archive the diffusion repository for the extension/skin: (rECPV).
-- [ ] Delete the GitHub mirror: (https://github.com/wikimedia/mediawiki-extensions-Copyvio).