* Title of session: Community configuration – letting communities take control by JSON configuration
* Session description: In 2021, the Growth team created [community configuration](https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Growth/Community_configuration), which enables communities to control various aspects of the Growth features via an on-wiki JSON page with a user-friendly editing form. As of 2023, the feature is implemented in a Growth-specific way, making it impossible for other developers to reuse it. However, this concept has significant potential outside of Growth features. In this session, we will discuss possible approaches to decouple Community configuration from Growth features (as well as associated risks), making it a generic feature any developer can make use of. The session will consist of @Urbanecm showing a brief how Community configuration currently works and @jhsoby showing the various ways configuration is done for the Wikimedia Incubator, which would benefit greatly from a similar setup to what Growth uses, followed by a discussion among the participants,
* Username for contact: @Urbanecm, @jhsoby
* Session duration (25 or 50 min): 50 min
* Session type (presentation, workshop, discussion, etc.):
* Language of session (English, Arabic, etc.): English
* Prerequisites (some Python, etc.): None, but community configuration's written in PHP.
* Any other details to share?:
** Community configuration is currently implemented in GrowthExperiments extension. Most relevant code lives in the [GrowthExperiments\Config](https://github.com/wikimedia/mediawiki-extensions-GrowthExperiments/tree/master/includes/Config) namespace.
* Interested? Add your username below:
** @Sgs
** @Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE
** @taavi
** @diegodlh
** @Novem_Linguae
** @waldyrious
** @bd808
** @MGerlach
** @tgr
** @Quiddity
** @Robertsky