== Pages translations ==
Suggested [[ https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Topic:Tph8te4xa670ur3s | here ]]. @Pginer-WMF, it may interest you to work on namespaces filtering.
On a Multilingual wiki users can only filter //Translations: //namespace and sub-filter the translations by language. This way it is possible all recent translations in ont specific language to see what's new.
Can be interesting as well on Wikidata/Wikibase to only see the description fields changes that are only in the languages you speak.
== Wikidata elements ==
An other aspect to consider is Wikidata, where edits can be multilingual as well. It is not interesting at all for a user only speaking French and English to have in the results list edits in Arabic or Chinese languages ([[https://www.mediawiki.org/w/index.php?title=Topic:Tqturfmr76nhzow4&topic_showPostId=tqu2a1y5yulnkiv6#flow-post-tqu2a1y5yulnkiv6|feedback]], [[https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Topic:U0zd9sidytz5dfzm|a new one]]).
This is an important point to make filters on Wikidata efficient.
== Proposed solution ==
Our model for advanced filters (T167384) allows to be extended. We can do the following:
- Provide a "Languages" option in the advanced filters menu. I didn't set a prefix for it since there was not an obvious choice, but we can leave it without a prefix or add a multi character one such as "lang:".
- Show a language selection panel where the user common languages are shown in a section on top to facilitate selection (those languages [[ https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Universal_Language_Selector/FAQ#How_does_Universal_Language_Selector_determine_which_languages_I_may_understand | are determined by ULS ]]). Selecting more than one language, results in the union of the results (i.e., contributions in both Japanese and Korean will be show if those languages are selected).
| Option in the advanced filters menu|Specific panel to select language|Language filter added|