The Editors_Daily dataset was updated per T314147 Data Pipeline for Unique Editor metrics by Country. [[ | Documentation ]]
This impacts the queries used in monthly metrics for global south and global north metrics.
July metrics numbers were calculated and posted to Github and to [[ | editors sheets ]] after this change went into effect. July GS and GN metrics are using the updated editor name field. Previous months' data was calculated using the local fingerprint_or_id user name specific to each wiki. Superset data is updated on an automated process/schedule so July superset data was calculated the first week of August, prior to the Editors_Daily update. Comparing the same metric, from two sources that each used a different editor name column (Superset has the older local fingerprint_or_id and sheets has the global username which was added to the table) helps us see the impact of updating the table.
[x] review net new content numbers
[x] review edits numbers
[x] review global_editors
[x] discuss with Maya & Kate
[x] document findings
//[] query for number of 'unknown' region editors in July 2022 (UPDATE from @kzimmerman 2022-08-30: we decided not to do this query; we have sufficient evidence for the impact to inform next steps)//
Related: T316580