The Event Summary downloadable report gives top-line metrics designed to provide an overview of the event and its impact. By providing organizers with a CSV file, we enable them to sort or combine data with other reports to meet their various reporting needs.
- **Metric definitions: **See below, under "Definitions of Metrics"
- **Event details: **In addition to the data/metrics, the CSV file will contain some descriptive information about the event and the report. See below under "Event details."
- **Report filename:** when the user saves the report, the filename should follow this format: event-summary_//event-name//
=Report Content
===Metrics/column names
- **The left-most column of the report **will be a the labels listed below; the second column will contain data. In other words, this will be a two-column report.
**The labels for each row** will be, in order (pls use this approved wording):
- **Participants** [method defined in T208546]
- **Pages created **
- **Pages improved**
- **Edits** [method defined in T206821]
- **Bytes changed** [method defined in T206820]
- **Files uploaded** [method defined in T206819]
- **Wikidata items created** [method defined in T206818]
- **Wikidata items improved** [method defined in T206818]
- **Views to pages created** [method defined in T206817]
- **Avg. daily views to pages improved** [method defined in T206817]
- **Unique pages with uploaded files** [method defined in T206819]
- **Uploaded files in use** [method defined in T206819]
- **Avg. daily views to files uploaded** [method defined in T206700; also in T206819]!!
- **New editors** [method defined in T208546]
- **7-days retention** [method defined in T214102]
===Event details
At the bottom of the csv report, please list the following in the left column below a header that says: **Event details and report settings**
- Event Summary data, //Eventname//
- From: //Start date/time//
- To: //End date/time// (//timezone//)
- Data updated //yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm (timezonecountry/city)// [Note: this is the time of the last Update, not the download, and the timezone of the event not the user]
=Definitions of metrics
- **Participants** If we have a participants list, then this is a simple count. If not, we derive it by applying the active filters, counting contributions, and then determining all the unique actors who made those contributions [method defined in T208546]
- **New editors** a count of new accounts created, including users who registered up to 14 days before the event (on any wiki). [method fully defined in T208546] I
- **7-days retention ** The % of New Editors (see definition above) who make at least one edit, in any Wikimedia project (in any namespace), between 7 days after the event and the time that the report is run.
- If the organizer supplies no figures for the event, do not include these columns at all in the downloadable csv report.
- **Pages created** # of Main space pages created during the event in the specified wikis and consistent with whichever filters are active (Participant and/or Category and/or Worklist).
- **Pages improved ** # of Main space pages edited during the event in the specified wikis and consistent with whichever filters are active (Participant and/or Category and/or Worklist). Pages Improved and Pages Created are mutually exclusive categories; Pages Improved does not include Pages Created, and the total of the two would equal all pages worked on during the event.
- **Edits ** An edit count of all edits saved during the event (even if later reverted, etc.) Until we create a namespace filter, this will count Main namespace only.
- **Bytes changed** The net bytes changed in Main space pages for specified wikis. Show all numbers with a + sign to indicate direction of change. (For this report, all numbers will all be positive, but in other reports this number may be negative.)
- **Files uploaded** A count of the files uploaded during the event.
- Unlike the current Grant Metrics, we will counts files uploaded to __to the individual specified wikis__ as well as to Commons.
- As on current Grant Metrics, Commons is counted only if Commons is specified as a wiki of interest during setup.
- **Wikidata items created**A count of all Wikidata items created during the event. If Wikidata is not specified for the event, then the Wikidata figures will not be checked or displayed.
- **Wikidata items improved**A count of all Wikidata items edited during the event. If Wikidata is not specified for the event, then the Wikidata figures will not be checked or displayed.
- **Views to pages created** (also called "**Pageviews, cumulative**" in some reports) Cumulative pageviews to all pages created in Main space of specified wikis during the event, from creation until last data update. If the user requests stats during the same day when all articles are newly created, we will show "n/a", for "not available" rather than 0, which is misleading. However, if the event is long and we have stats for some pages but not others, show the total what we have and count the new pages as 0.
- **Avg. daily views to pages improved** (also called "**Avg. daily pageviews**" in some reports) Cumulative pageviews is not relevant to pages improved, so we will give an average daily count for all "pages improved" (see definition above). Avg. daily views will be an average over the preceding 30 days. If 30 days are not available for certain pages, use the average of however many days are available for each of those pages.
- **Unique pages with uploaded files** A count of how many non-duplicate pages contain uploaded files, on all wikis (i.e., not just those specified for the event). Please see the definition of "Files uploaded", above.
- **Uploaded files in use** A count of the uploaded files that are in use on at least one page on any wiki. (Please see the definition of "Files uploaded", above. )
- ** Avg. daily views to files uploaded** Pageviews per day to all pages on which Files Uploaded have been placed (see definition of Files Uploaded above) . Includes all file types and counts pageviews on all wikis that include articles with uploaded files—not just wikis specified as wikis of interest in event setup. Avg. is calculated from a 30-day sample; if 30 days are not available, use the number of days that are available. If no days are available (i.e., if it's the first day), then display "n/a" for "not available".
=Data that are fixed at event close vs. data that continue to develop
Figures like Pageviews naturally continue to develop after the event is over. Other figures can be considered fixed once the event period is over; these could be stored and need never be calculated again. Here is a breakdown for this report:
**Remain fixed**
- Participants
- New editors
- Pages created
- Pages improved
- Edits
- Bytes changed
- Uploaded files
- Wikidata items created
**Continue to develop**
- Views to pages created
- Views to pages improved
- Views to uploaded files
- Pages with uploaded files
- Uploaded files in use