**Assigned to**
**Type of activity**
Pre-scheduled session"
**Main topic**
=Title: Newcomer-friendly edit-review tools: help imagine what that looks like =
==The problem==
Edit Review Improvements (ERI) is a Collaboration Team project seeking to improve the edit-review process generally and, in particular, to provide a more supportive process for good-faith newcomers—a group with special needs, [[ https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Edit_Review_Improvements#Related_documents | according to research ]]. So far, ERI has focused on helping reviewers //find// struggling but good-faith newcomers, using [[ https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Research:Revision_scoring_as_a_service | ORES ]] and other tools. But what then? How can we capitalize on this new capability?What tools would make supporting newcomers during edit review easier and more satisfying? What are the challenges—what’s missing? What best practices can people who support newcomers contribute? Should we adapt current tools, like Twinkle and Huggle, or build something new? These are the questions we'll be asking as we plan ERI's next phase.
==Expected outcome ==
Input from patrollers, the developer community and everyone with experience coaching new users will inform the our next round of research and design.
==Current status of the discussion ==
The planning process of ERI phase II is just beginning, but we've done a series of interviews with patrollers, Teahouse hosts and others. [[ https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Research:New_editor_support_strategies#Results | This research ]] forms a good foundation for this next, further round of discussions.
== Links ==
- [[ https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Research:New_editor_support_strategies#Results | Resarch: New Editor Support Strategies ]]
- [[ https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Edit_Review_Improvements | Edit Review Improvements (ERI) project page ]]
- [[ https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Edit_Review_Improvements/ReviewStream | ReviewStream spec ]]
- [[ https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Edit_Review_Improvements/New_Features_for_Special:Recent_Changes | Planned New ERI Features for Special:Recent Changes ]]