Similar to T148506.
This is about row A only:
[x] Rack and cable the switches according to diagram (blocked on T187118) [Chris] {F11996449}
[x] Connect mgmt/serial [Chris]
[x] Check via serial that switches work, ports are configured as down [Arzhel]
[x] Stack the switch, upgrade JunOS, initial switch configuration [Arzhel]
[x] Add to DNS [Arzhel]
[x] Add to LibreNMS & Rancid [Arzhel]
[x] Uplinks ports configured [Arzhel]
[x] Add to Icinga [Arzhel]
**Thursday 22nd, noon Eastern (4pm UTC) 3h (for all 3 rows)**
[x] Verify cr2-eqiad is VRRP master
[x] Disable interfaces from cr1-eqiad to asw-a
[x] Move cr1 router uplinks from asw-a to asw2-a (and document cable IDs if different) [Chris/Arzhel]
xe-2/0/44 -> cr1-eqiad:xe-3/0/0
xe-2/0/45 -> cr1-eqiad:xe-3/1/0
xe-7/0/44 -> cr1-eqiad:xe-4/0/0
xe-7/0/45 -> cr1-eqiad:xe-4/1/0
[x] Connect asw2-a with asw-a with 4x10G (and document cable IDs if different) [Chris]
xe-2/0/42 -> asw-a-eqiad:xe-8/1/0
xe-7/0/42 -> asw-a-eqiad:xe-2/1/0
xe-2/0/43 -> asw-a-eqiad:xe-1/1/0
xe-7/0/43 -> asw-a-eqiad:xe-7/0/0
[x] Verify traffic is properly flowing though asw2-a
[x] Update interfaces descriptions on cr1
[x] Switch ports configuration to match asw-a (+login announcement) [Arzhel]
[x] Solve snowflakes [Chris/Arzhel]
|hostname|old port|new port|
[] Pre populate FPC2, FPC4 and FPC7 (QFX) with copper SFPs matching the current production servers on rack 2, 4 and 7 [Chris]
ge-2/0/1 up up es1011
ge-2/0/2 up up es1012
ge-2/0/3 up up ms-be1019
ge-2/0/4 up up db1074
ge-2/0/5 up up db1075
ge-2/0/6 up up db1079
ge-2/0/12 up up kafka-jumbo1002
ge-2/0/13 up up tungsten
ge-2/0/16 up up db1080
ge-2/0/17 up up analytics1012 no-bw-mon
ge-2/0/18 up up analytics1013 no-bw-mon
ge-2/0/19 up up notebook1002
ge-2/0/20 up up conf1001
ge-2/0/21 up up db1081
ge-2/0/22 up up db1082
ge-2/0/23 up up db1107
ge-4/0/0 up up druid1001
ge-4/0/1 up up aqs1004
ge-4/0/2 up up scb1001
ge-4/0/3 up up logstash1004
ge-4/0/4 up up kubestage1001
ge-4/0/5 up up snapshot1005
ge-4/0/6 up up analytics1070
ge-4/0/8 up up oxygen
ge-4/0/9 up up maps1001
ge-4/0/12 up up holmium
ge-4/0/15 up up conf1004
ge-4/0/16 up up db1111
ge-4/0/17 up up rhenium
ge-4/0/19 up up lvs1001
ge-4/0/20 up up lvs1002
ge-4/0/21 up up lvs1003
ge-4/0/22 up up netmon1002
ge-4/0/25 up up kafka1001
ge-4/0/26 up up contint1001
ge-4/0/27 up up ganeti1005
ge-4/0/30 up up restbase1007
ge-4/0/31 up up stat1004
ge-4/0/32 up up oresrdb1002
ge-4/0/34 up up wdqs1003
ge-4/0/43 up up rdb1003
ge-7/0/6 up up mw1267
ge-7/0/7 up up mw1268
ge-7/0/8 up up mw1269
ge-7/0/9 up up mw1270
ge-7/0/10 up up mw1271
ge-7/0/11 up up mw1272
ge-7/0/12 up up mw1273
ge-7/0/13 up up mw1274
ge-7/0/14 up up mw1275
ge-7/0/15 up up mw1276
ge-7/0/16 up up mw1277
ge-7/0/17 up up mw1278
ge-7/0/18 up up mw1279
ge-7/0/19 up up mw1280
ge-7/0/20 up up mw1281
ge-7/0/21 up up mw1282
ge-7/0/22 up up mw1283
**In maintenance window - 3h - Tuesday 19th 14:00UTC - **
[] Move servers from asw-a to asw2-a [Chris]
==No special need or easy depool (one at a time)==
ge-1/0/6 - wdqs1006
ge-1/0/7 - kafka-jumbo1001
ge-1/0/8 - dns1001
ge-2/0/1 - es1011
ge-2/0/2 - es1012
ge-2/0/3 - ms-be1019
ge-2/0/12 - kafka-jumbo1002
ge-2/0/17 - analytics1012
ge-2/0/18 - analytics1013
ge-2/0/19 - notebook1002
ge-3/0/7 - cp1008 - depool first
ge-3/0/8 - elastic1032
ge-3/0/9 - elastic1033
ge-3/0/10 - elastic1034
ge-3/0/11 - elastic1035
ge-3/0/20 - kubernetes1001
ge-3/0/24 - elastic1030
ge-3/0/25 - elastic1031
ge-3/0/26 - analytics1052
ge-3/0/27 - analytics1053
ge-3/0/28 - analytics1054
ge-3/0/29 - analytics1055
ge-3/0/30 - analytics1056
ge-3/0/31 - analytics1057
ge-3/0/33 - analytics1059
ge-3/0/34 - analytics1060
ge-4/0/0 - druid1001 - depool va pybal
ge-4/0/1 - aqs1004 - depool va pybal
ge-4/0/4 - kubestage1001
ge-4/0/6 - analytics1070
ge-4/0/9 - maps1001
ge-4/0/21 - lvs1003
ge-4/0/22 - netmon1002
ge-4/0/25 - kafka1001 - depool from pybal
ge-4/0/34 - wdqs1003
xe-4/1/2 - cp1075 - depool first
ge-6/0/2 - mw1307
ge-6/0/3 - mw1308
ge-6/0/4 - mw1309
ge-6/0/5 - mw1310
ge-6/0/6 - mw1311
ge-6/0/7 - mw1312
ge-6/0/9 - restbase-dev1004
ge-6/0/10 - ores1001
ge-6/0/11 - db1116 - backups host
ge-6/0/12 - druid1004 - depool via pybal
ge-6/0/15 - an-master1001 - status planned
ge-6/0/23 - elastic1048
ge-6/0/24 - aqs1007 - depool from pybal
ge-6/0/25 - mc1019
ge-6/0/26 - mc1020
ge-6/0/27 - mc1021
ge-6/0/28 - mc1022
ge-6/0/29 - mc1023
ge-6/0/30 - wtp1025
ge-6/0/31 - wtp1026
ge-6/0/32 - dbproxy1013 - spare
ge-6/0/34 - elastic1044
ge-6/0/35 - elastic1045
ge-6/0/36 - wtp1027
ge-6/0/37 - wdqs1004
All mw*, one at a time
ge-8/0/3 - torrelay1001
ge-8/0/4 - bohrium eth0 - status planned
ge-8/0/5 - bohrium eth1 - status planned
ge-8/0/10 - Core: mr1-eqiad:ge-0/0/1
==Special needs or unsorted ==
ge-1/0/5 - db1069 x1 master
ge-1/0/9 - labsdb1009 no special need
ge-2/0/4 - db1074
ge-2/0/5 - db1075
ge-2/0/6 - db1079
ge-2/0/13 - tungsten
ge-2/0/16 - db1080
ge-2/0/20 - conf1001
ge-2/0/21 - db1081
ge-2/0/22 - db1082
ge-2/0/23 - db1107 Eventlogging master @elukey to decide
ge-3/0/2 - ganeti1007 - Ensure other hosts are up, drain VMs
ge-3/0/3 - dbproxy1001 spare
ge-3/0/4 - dbproxy1002 spare
ge-3/0/5 - prometheus1003
ge-3/0/12 - dbproxy1003 spare
ge-3/0/13 - db1103
ge-3/0/14 - relforge1001
ge-3/0/16 - restbase1010 1G
ge-3/0/17 - restbase1011 1G
ge-3/0/19 - rdb1005
ge-3/0/21 - restbase1016 eth0
ge-3/0/22 - restbase1016 eth1
ge-3/0/23 - restbase1016 eth2
ge-3/0/32 - cloudservices1004
ge-4/0/2 - scb1001
ge-4/0/3 - logstash1004
ge-4/0/5 - snapshot1005
ge-4/0/8 - oxygen
ge-4/0/12 - holmium
ge-4/0/15 - conf1004
ge-4/0/16 - db1111 test host
ge-4/0/17 - rhenium
ge-4/0/19 - lvs1001 - Ensure other hosts are up, disable pybal
ge-4/0/20 - lvs1002 - Ensure other hosts are up, disable pybal
ge-4/0/26 - contint1001
ge-4/0/27 - ganeti1005 - Ensure other hosts are up, drain VMs
ge-4/0/30 - restbase1007
ge-4/0/31 - stat1004
ge-4/0/32 - oresrdb1002
ge-4/0/43 - rdb1003
xe-4/1/0 - labstore1006
ge-6/0/0 - db1096
ge-6/0/1 - ganeti1006 - Ensure other hosts are up, drain VMs
ge-6/0/8 - labcontrol1003
ge-6/0/13 - labmon1002
ge-6/0/14 - db1115 tendril master (no special need)
ge-6/0/16 - db1066 - s2 master see T217441
ge-6/0/18 - weblog1001
ge-6/0/45 - lvs1004:eth1 - Ensure other hosts are up, disable pybal
ge-6/0/46 - lvs1005:eth1 - Ensure other hosts are up, disable pybal
ge-6/0/47 - lvs1006:eth1 - Ensure other hosts are up, disable pybal
ge-8/0/2 - db1118
ge-8/0/8 - labstore1003
ge-8/0/13 - helium
[] Move cr2 router uplinks from asw-a to asw2-a (and document cable IDs if different) [Chris/Arzhel]
xe-2/0/46 -> cr2-eqiad:xe-3/0/0
xe-2/0/47 -> cr2-eqiad:xe-3/1/0
xe-7/0/46 -> cr2-eqiad:xe-4/0/0
xe-7/0/47 -> cr2-eqiad:xe-4/1/0
[] Update interfaces descriptions on cr2
[] Verify no more traffic on asw-a<->asw2-a link [Arzhel]
[] Disable asw-a<->asw2-a link [Arzhel]
[] Verify all servers are healthy, monitoring happy [Arzhel]
**After maintenance window**
[] Cleanup config, monitoring, DNS, etc. [Arzhel]
[] Wipe & unrack asw-a