####User story & summary:
As an editor of Community Configuration, I want to view an edit summary before I save a Configuration change, so that I can review.
As an editor of Community Configuration, I want to receive a Reminder if I do not provide an edit summary, so that I can be given the chance to add an edit summary.
####Background & research:
This task is important because Community Configuration changes can be very impactful, and editors should generally provide an explanation for why they are making a change.
The Edit summary should display text of the setting that has been adjusted.
If the editor hasn't added an edit summary, then they should receive a Reminder. An edit summary is not required, so after the reminder, the editor should be able to Save changes.
[[ https://www.figma.com/file/bT1O4TChNV5TpwF5JHgKAK/Community-Configuration-2.0?type=design&node-id=907%3A5108&mode=design&t=4tlvVFTwXEM9tcHx-1|Figma designs]]
####Acceptance Criteria:
Given I make a Community Configuration edit,
When I proceed to publish the change,
Then I receive an edit summary before I can Save changes.
Given I make a Community Configuration edit,
When I DO NOT provide an edit summary and proceed to publish the change,
Then I receive a reminder to add an edit summary before I Save changes.