**When:** 3rd November 2021
[x] Create a task to communicate the chosen date and send an announcement to the community: T293965
[x] Create a calendar entry for the maintenance, invite sre-data-persistence@
[x] Add to deployments calendar. E.g.:
{{Deployment calendar event card
|when=2021-08-24 23:00 SF
|window=Database primary switchover for s7
|who={{ircnick|kormat|Stevie Beth Mhaol}}, {{ircnick|marostegui|Manuel 'Early Bird' Arostegui}}
NEW primary: db1118
OLD primary: db1163
[x] Check configuration differences between new and old primary:
sudo pt-config-diff --defaults-file /root/.my.cnf h=db1163.eqiad.wmnet h=db1118.eqiad.wmnet
**Failover prep:**
[] Silence alerts on all hosts:
sudo cookbook sre.hosts.downtime --hours 1 -r "Primary switchover s1 T293964" 'A:db-section-s1'
[] Set NEW primary with weight 0
sudo dbctl instance db1118 set-weight 0
sudo dbctl config commit -m "Set db1118 with weight 0 T293964"
[] Topology changes, move all replicas under NEW primary
sudo db-switchover --timeout=15 --only-slave-move db1163 db1118
[] Disable puppet on both nodes
sudo cumin 'db1163* or db1118*' 'disable-puppet "primary switchover T293964"'
[] Merge gerrit puppet change to promote NEW primary: FIXME
[] Log the failover:
!log Starting s1 eqiad failover from db1163 to db1118 - T293964
[] Set section read-only:
sudo dbctl --scope eqiad section s1 ro "Maintenance until 05:15 UTC - T293964"
sudo dbctl config commit -m "Set s1 eqiad as read-only for maintenance - T293964"
[] Check s1 is indeed read-only
[] Switch primaries:
sudo db-switchover --skip-slave-move db1163 db1118
echo "===== db1163 (OLD)"; sudo mysql.py -h db1163 -e 'show slave status\G'
echo "===== db1118 (NEW)"; sudo mysql.py -h db1118 -e 'show slave status\G'
[] Promote NEW primary in dbctl, and remove read-only
sudo dbctl --scope eqiad section s1 set-master db1118
sudo dbctl --scope eqiad section s1 rw
sudo dbctl config commit -m "Promote db1118 to s1 primary and set section read-write T293964"
[] Restart puppet on both hosts:
sudo cumin 'db1163* or db1118*' 'run-puppet-agent -e "primary switchover T293964"'
**Clean up tasks:**
[] Clean up heartbeat table(s).
[] change events for query killer:
events_coredb_master.sql on the new primary db1118
events_coredb_slave.sql on the new slave db1163
[] Update DNS: FIXME
[] Update candidate primary dbctl notes
sudo dbctl instance db1163 set-candidate-master --section s1 true
sudo dbctl instance db1118 set-candidate-master --section s1 false
[] Check tendril was updated
[] Check zarcillo was updated
** db-switchover should do this. If it fails, do it manually: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/P13956
[] Depool OLD primary, as it's running 10.1, replicating from a 10.4 primary
sudo dbctl instance db1163 depool
sudo dbctl config commit -m "Depool db1163 until it's reimaged to buster T293964"
[] Apply outstanding schema changes to db1163 (if any)
[] Update/resolve this ticket.