=== Deployment checklist
**Before deployment**
[] Community socializing; owner @Whatamidoing-WMF
-- //Announcements have posted per T288704#7298432.//
[] Prepare code for deployment; owners @matmarex and @DLynch !!ETA!!
[] Design review and sign off; owner @iamjessklein ; Jess will explicitly let the team know if no design review is needed.
[] Pre-launch QA, regression testing and sign off; owner @Ryasmeen
[] Product owner acceptance; @ppelberg
[] Deployment train or backport determined and coordinated by engineering team; owners @matmarex and @DLynch T287801 !!ETA August 25!!
[] Publicize feature's availability at partner wikis; owner @Whatamidoing-WMF
[] Post-launch QA and issue resolvement; owners @Ryasmeen plus @ppelberg and anyone else needed !!ETA!!
[] Post updates to wikis; owner @ppelberg