== Background/Goal
Colors are an essential component of the foundational styles of our system, as they will impact every aspect of it.
The defined color palette will dictate the name and value of our color design tokens.
=== User stories
As a designer, I need to have access to the system's color palette, so I'm aware of which colors I can apply, and where, when creating system compliant designs.
=== Acceptance criteria (or Done)
The various shades for the following color categories need to be defined and named:
[-] Grey scale
[-] Primary colors
[-] Secondary colors (utility, feedback colors)
[-] Core colors for content, backgrounds, borders and disabled elements (decision tokens)
=== Notes
Defining color palettes for customizable themes (dark mode, yellow mode, etc.) is out of scope for now.
=== To do
[-] Define colors primitives (choice)
[-] Define colors nomenclature and numerals (T297584)
[-] When we have the colors primitive (choice), define the colors decisions (usages)
[x] Add Color option tokens to Codex
[x] and add Color decision tokens to Codex