* Title of session: Introduction to the Wikibase REST API
* Session description: An introduction to the new Wikibase REST API from the developers at WMDE
* Username for contact: @Ollie.Shotton_WMDE (+ @Muhammad_Yasser_Jazirahly_WMDE)
* Session duration (25 or 50 min): 25 mins
* Session type (presentation, workshop, discussion, etc.): presentation
* Language of session (English, Arabic, etc.): English (Arabic version can be provided if sufficient interest)
* Prerequisites (some Python, etc.): None
* Any other details to share?:
- [[ https://doc.wikimedia.org/Wikibase/master/php/repo_rest-api_README.html | Developer docs ]]
- [[ https://doc.wikimedia.org/Wikibase/master/js/rest-api/ | OpenAPI/Swagger docs ]]
- [[ https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:REST_API | Wikidata:REST_API ]]
* Interested? Add your username below:
** @Husky
** @NicoleLBee
** @diegodlh
** @LabDom
** @CristianCantoro