This ticket is about realizing what we found during {T300040}.
To do:
[x] Adjust size of icons to match previous version (at s/m/l sizes)
[x] Center icons.
[] Verify that alphanumeric markers are centered.
[] Agree on how missing icons from maki 0.5.0 will be aliased.
[] Dynamic and static maps must be consistent.
Should be separate sub tasks:
* Document new icons, as well as aliased icons from maki 0.5.0, updating the [[ | help page ]]. --> T312752
* Deploy to the beta cluster so we can validate.
Open work:
Icon grids:
Reviewing the "circle-stroked" marker at each size, we're pixel-perfectly centered and sized.
Maki 0.5 grids at small / medium / large:
{F35458070} {F35458093} {F35458097}
Maki 7 grids:
{F35458103} {F35458107} {F35458109}
Here are the new numeric markers--at the moment, I haven't replicated the feature where the font size is decreased for two-digit numbers:
{F35466729} {F35466727} {F35466732}