Per consensus at [[âi_chéu_â#.E9.97.9C.E6.96.BC.E6.AD.A4.E7.B6.AD.E5.9F.BA.E9.A0.85.E7.9B.AE.E7.95.8C.E9.9D.A2.E7.9A.84.E8.A8.8E.E8.AB.96.E8.AD.B0.E9.A1.8C/Archive_1#關於此維基項目界面的討論議題 | cdowiki ]] and [[ | ]], we would need to have Min Dong translations in Simplified Han script (cdo-hans), Traditional Han script (cdo-hant) and Latin script (cdo-latn) separated, we would need to have Min Dong translations in both Han script (cdo-hani) and Latin script (cdo-latn) separated,and disable cdo as "This language code should remain unused. and disable cdo as "This language code should remain unused.Localise in cdo-hans, Localise in cdo-hanit or cdo-latn please.".