Apertium upstream has released a new version of Apertium tools and planning to release language pairs soon. Package it in Debian and backport it to Bullseye to use it in the WMF repository. Backporting should be in a separate subtask to make tracking clear.
* Upstream release issue tracker: https://github.com/apertium/packaging/issues/39
* Tools:
** [x] `cg3`
** [x] `hfst-ospell`
** [x] `lttoolbox`
*** [x] 3.6.0
**** [x] NEW queue
*** [x] 3.6.1
**** [x] NEW queue
** [x] `apertium`
*** [x] 3.8.1
**** [x] NEW queue
** [x] `apertium-lex-tools`
*** [x] 0.3.0
*** [x] 0.3.1
**** [x] NEW queue (NEW queue due to new library addition)
** [x] `apertium-recursive`
** [x] `apertium-separable`
** [x] `apertium-anaphora`
** [x] `transfuse`
** [x] `lexd`
* New packages:
** [x] `apertium-regtest`
*** [] NEW queue
** [x] `apertium-all-dev`
*** [] NEW queue
* [] Fix `openfst` in Debian.
** [x] Import project to debian-science team: https://salsa.debian.org/science-team/openfst
** [x] Upgrade to compatible version (ie 1.7.9) with `hfst`.
** [] Update in Debian.
*** [] NEW queue