== User story
As an experienced editor, I would like to be able to access the entire functionality of the history page from my mobile device so that I can perform my work on mobile
== Acceptance criteria
[] all desktop functionality (with tentative exceptions TBD) will be available on mobile
== Design notes
Basic mockup:
{F29224320 width=200}
The two main components to consider here are:
==== 1. Filters
- can we display them in a modal or should we try to use the native multi-select element?
- which elements can we remove? Search for filter names, saved filters, saving new filters, active filters pill things, highlighting results
| filters as native select elements | filters in a modal
| {F29224304} | {F29224314}
==== 2. List of recent changes
- how much control over formatting do we have?
- can we re-use some of the stuff from
==== Other considerations
- live updates
- "Group results by page" setting
== Notes from hackathon
== Action items