See parent task for details.
**WIP Results:**
#### Wikibase:
* Wikibase shows an anon-editing warning when not logged-in and editing statements/terms/sitelinks
* Special:MyLanguageFallbackChain informs about babel on the userpage for logged-in users. That is actually something temp-users can currently do, but I'm not sure if that is intended? What happens when such a temp user logs in? It works though.
* In general: LanguageFallback taking Babel into account is difference between logged-in and anon users. Even if you would add a Babel-box to an IP-"Userpage", it would not have an effect on language fallback
* All other Wikibase SpecialPages that allow some form of editing have a Warning only for Anon IPs, not temp users
**Broken remembering of preferences for temp users:**
* Showing/Hiding the Legacy Termbox is usually remembered. For anons via a cookie, for logged-in users via a user options. Temp users do not have user options, so this feature is broken for them.
* Similar to the above, dismissing the message informing about copyright, that shows when editing Statements or Sitelinks, is remembered in a cookie for anon IPs and a user option for proper logged-in users. This too is broken for temp-users.
* Similar to the above, for federated Properties, we seem to show a "leave site notice"? Remembering the dismissal of that would probably be broken as well. But that is not a Wikidata concern directly.
#### WikibaseLexeme:
#### EntitySchema:
* Special:NewEntity, Special:SetLabelDescriptionAlias, and Editing the Schema Text, all show a warning based on the user being an anonymous IP. As far as I can tell, none of them currently trigger a temp user account creation.
#### WikibaseQualityConstraints:
* If the configuration to show violations to all users is disabled, then the Gadget to show the violations is loaded only for "registered" users, but not anonymous users. "Registered" in that sense includes temporary users.