#### Background
The Android team is going to run an experiment to see if suggesting Machine Generated Article Descriptions improves the quality of descriptions produced by Android Suggested Edits Users. Our designer has already started some preliminary designs for this experiment. We are now ready to move forward with this experiment.
#### Task
Update the screens in our [[ https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/17zzUE7bZEsGp0ru5OmtFKagmVulpjpwRa8IYcbBj_ew/edit#slide=id.gba964fc84f_0_156 | shallow dive deck ]] and put the screens on a task for the engineers to implement.
#### Product Requirements
Designs should account for the following:
- [x] Users being able to provide feedback on individual suggestions
- [x] Accommodating two machine generated chips/suggestions
- [x] Onboarding to Machine Generated suggestions
- [x] Reminder popups of checking for bias when clicking a suggestion on a biography
- [x] Ability for users to write in their own response and edit a suggestion
- [x] Incorporate icon that identifies this uses machine learning
#### Design Questions
- [x] If suggestions are vertical should the keyboard only be visible upon selecting the editor
- [x] Should suggestions scroll vertically or horizontally
- [x] Which placement of reporting is more accessible
#### Designs ([[ https://www.figma.com/file/RmXBd8hF019Wd9rAhf7tE5/Machine-assisted-article-descriptions-T316375?node-id=517%3A12598&t=usEUOmKPIyS8hIig-4 | Figma ]])
| **1)** Suggested edit home {F36817314} | **2)** Feed {F36817316} | **3)** Onboarding {F36817318} | **4)** Active text-field {F36817320} | **5)** Dialog {F36817342} | **6)** After tapping suggestion {F36817344} | **7)** Manual text addition {F36817346} | **8)** Preview {F36817348} | **9)** Tapping report flag {F36817350} | **10)** Confirmation {F36817352} | **11)** Gender bias support text {F36817355}
**1) Suggested edits home:**
Machine-suggested article descriptions are added to the existing Article descriptions task.
**2) Feed:** No design changes.
**3) Onboarding:** Users are onboarded with a tooltip. Current copy: Try machine-suggested article descriptions
**4) Active text field:** Allows typing or selecting a machine suggestion right after onboarding.
**5) Dialog:** Dialog with suggestions appears after users tap “Show suggested descriptions"
**6) After tapping suggestion:**
- Tapping a suggestion populates the text field
- Publish button turns active
**7) Manual text addition:** Keyboard stays active; users can make adjustments to the text input
**8) Preview:** No design changes. This is a screenshot of the existing interface.
**9) Tapping the report flag:**
- Tapping the flag reveals the report dialog
- Users can select one of the predefined checkboxes or fill out the text field
- Tapping ‘Cancel’ takes them back to the previous dialog
**10) Confirmation:**
- Snackbar confirms report submission
- Users get back to the describe articles screen
**11) Gender bias support text:**
- Reuses existing design (e.g. used for info about using lowercase letters).
- Current copy: Please review the machine-suggestions
for any instances of gender bias.