For each of the errors, show the error message described below
##Errors that occur before special:import is loaded
|**error** | **example**| **error message**| color|
| missing info (Error message in the first step) | first version of thumbnail could not be retrieved anymore |The file cannot be imported, since it is missing <whatever it is missing> | |
| suppressed revisions (Error message in the first step) | | The file cannot be imported, since the page contains suppressed revisions (Is this an info that is public?)||
| sum of number of file and text revisions bigger than 100 revisions)| |The file cannot be imported. The sum of file and page revisions is bigger than 100. |
|sum of size of file and text revisions bigger than 250 MB)| | The file cannot be imported. The sum of all its revisions is bigger than 250 MB.|
|maximum filesize / uploadsize hit (as enforced by MediaWiki uploading)| |? Is there already an error message in place? If not: Your file cannot be imported, it is bigger than what is allowed for uploads. |
|file already exists | |The file already exists on <target wiki>. You can find it here(here is a link to the new location) |
|wiki not in wmf cluster | |The file cannot be imported, since it is on <source wiki name>. Imports from that wiki are not allowed. |
|revision history is somewhat broken|?|The file cannot be imported because there is a problem with the revision history.|
|file format not accepted|(this will probably never happen on WMF wikis due to similar standards) |The file cannot be imported because the file format is not allowed on <target wiki name>. Allowed file types are <list of allowed file types>|
|user is not logged in|(this should actually never happen on WMF wikis due to global sign in)|You are not logged in. Please log in before importing the file.|
|missing user rights|e.g. User is not allowed to move files|The file cannot be imported, because you don't have the rights to do so.|
|wrong licence||The file cannot be imported, because it seems to be under the <licence name> licence. <The target wiki name> does not allow files with this licence. |
##Errors related to file title
May occur before special:import is loaded, or after trying to save a new name
|title already exists| |The file title already exists on <target wiki>. Please choose a different one.|
|title contains forbidden characters|| The title has been changed, because it contains forbidden characters. These characters are not allowed for file titles: < list of characters>|
**Note** All of these errors are tracked so that we see how often they appear (see T179564)