== Background goal
See T326665 for the main component task. Ideally the CSS-only implementation would use the native browser behavior of `<details>`. See the discussion at T326665#8877643.
Also, we've decided to update the `hover` and `active` background colors to the following ones:
- Hover: `@background-color-interactive-subtle`
- Active: `@background-color-interactive`
=== Design spec
| [[ https://www.figma.com/file/6Cw5sCk0FlyY3XRLOe7870/Accordion---T314569?type=design&node-id=2116-30889&mode=design&t=mrcsDCXw6uHK3DxU-11 | Accordion's spec sheet ]] | [[ https://www.figma.com/proto/6Cw5sCk0FlyY3XRLOe7870/Accordion---T314569?page-id=2116%3A8188&type=design&node-id=2116-34551&t=mrcsDCXw6uHK3DxU-0&scaling=min-zoom&starting-point-node-id=2116%3A34551 | Figma prototype ]] |
### Acceptance criteria (or Done)
[x] Update the Figma exploration file with the new colors:
[x] Hover: `@background-color-interactive-subtle`
[x] Active: `@background-color-interactive`
[] Update the component in the Figma [[ https://www.figma.com/file/KoDuJMadWBXtsOtzGS4134/❖-Codex-components?node-id=1891%3A4420&viewport=287%2C338%2C0.28 | library ]]. //This step will be done by a DST member.//
[] Update the image in the [[ https://doc.wikimedia.org/codex/main/components/demos/accordion.html#interaction-states | Accordion > Guidelines > Interaction states ]] with the new colors for hover and active
[] Implement the CSS-only version
[] Update the hover and active colors with the new proposal
[] Update the image and text in the [[ https://doc.wikimedia.org/codex/main/components/demos/accordion.html#interaction-states | Accordion > Guidelines > Interaction states ]] with the new colors for hover and active