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create git/gerrit repo for annual report 2015
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Create a new git repo / gerrit project for the content of the annual report 2015.

Contact mule people and give them instructions how they can use it, with which account and decide who gets to +2, adjust permissions in gerrit

Event Timeline

Dzahn raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Dzahn updated the task description. (Show Details)
Dzahn subscribed.
Dzahn updated the task description. (Show Details)
Dzahn set Security to None.
Dzahn updated the task description. (Show Details)
Dzahn added a subscriber: Heather.
Dzahn triaged this task as Medium priority.Sep 17 2015, 11:21 PM

We should just use "annualreport" indeed. There exists ./2014, we will simply create ./2015 and done. And i sent an email to Mule about how to clone from it etc.

Change 240029 had a related patch set uploaded (by Dzahn):
add index placeholder for ./2015/

Hi @Stephmonette added you here in the ticket to show notifications. I think Liam does not have the Phabricator user yet.

I added a group in Gerrit called MuleDesign and added Steph and Liam as members. The group name can be used when adding reviewers. Permissions can be based upon it if needed but for now it's just like a group alias.,members

I'm calling this resolved. If we need to talk about +2 permissions we can do that separately.

Hi @Dzahn! I'll talk to Liam today and confirm that he logged into Phabricator.

Hi @Stephmonette sounds good:) Let me know if you have any questions about Phabricator or Gerrit.

I'll talk to Liam today and confirm that he logged into Phabricator.

Thanks @Stephmonette! For documentation, see - feel free to use the talk page if you have any questions.

Change 240029 merged by Dzahn:
add index placeholder for ./2015/