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[] When offline, the error message displayed - kCLErrorDomain error 0
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Found while testing T97786: As a user I expect to be alerted to relevant information in an obvious and non-UI blocking way

Repro steps

  1. Turn Flight mode on
  2. Click on the app - "The operation couldn't be completed. ( kCLErrorDomain error 0.) is displayed, followed by "The Internet connection appears to be offline".

IMG_0444.PNG (2×1 px, 87 KB)

Expected results

  • messages to users should not have technical terms
  • The Explore page should never be blank. If updates to be page cannot be fetched - display the previously cached content with a user-friendly warning.

Actual results

The Explore page is blank. The message to users should be edited to make it more informative.

Note: The mentioned message is, in fact, localized.

Event Timeline

Etonkovidova raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Etonkovidova updated the task description. (Show Details)
Etonkovidova subscribed.
JMinor set Security to None.
JMinor added a project: iOS-app-v5-beta.

@Fjalapeno @JMinor @Nirzar this error means "unable to determine location" IMO we should show an indicator in nearby. IOW still show nearby results, but change compass & distance cell subviews to show as "disabled" and show some kind of indication that there's a problem determining your location.

@BGerstle-WMF so the issue is that we used to know your location, so we have nearby results to show in the feed. But we don't know your current location so we can't show the compass point and distance or are generating errors trying to do so?

Per our general error pattern, I agree we should show a low severity alert. However I'd suggest we just remove the compass and distance elements from the card, rather than design a "broken compass" error state, but up to @Nirzar. Also curious what the 4.x app did in this case.

As a start can we do a localized warning string thats clearer than "kCLErrorDomain error 0"?
ie. "Cannot determine your current location."

At any rate, I'm going to remove the beta tag from this, as this is not a huge break in UX and I don't think we need to fix this for beta.

@BGerstle-WMF @JMinor a blank state for nearby card sounds like a good solution. I will attach the mocks.

The issue is still persists in - after switching to offline mode, the first message that a user sees in a sliding banner - "The operation couldn't be completed. ( kCLErrorDomain error 0.)"

The same error banner comes back every time when I navigate back (from Saved pages, from Recent, from viewing a saved article) to the Explore page

Etonkovidova renamed this task from [] When offline, the error message displayed - kCLErrorDomain error 0 to [] When offline, the error message displayed - kCLErrorDomain error 0.Dec 18 2015, 7:52 PM
Etonkovidova updated the task description. (Show Details)
JMinor raised the priority of this task from Low to Medium.Dec 18 2015, 7:54 PM

@Nirzar are you still working on mocks for this? Should we move to "Needs design?"

@BGerstle-WMF i need to drag it back to design doing. missed my radar.

I thought all designers had innate "spidey sense" for when things needed to be designed? ;-P

BGerstle-WMF claimed this task.

Marking as resolved by commit which also addressed T122349 & related issues