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Create Labs project for ifttt
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Make a labs project for ifttt, to move the Wikimedia IFTTT service that's currently hosted on tool labs (

Project Name: <projectname>

Purpose: <reason for project request>

Wikitech Username of requestor: <username>

Event Timeline

madhuvishy raised the priority of this task from to Medium.
madhuvishy updated the task description. (Show Details)
madhuvishy added a project: Cloud-Services.
madhuvishy subscribed.
bd808 set Security to None.
bd808 subscribed.

Has the service outgrown running as a tool? Running a project takes more admin work than keeping things running in the tools grid.

In any case we need the template details I added to the summary filled out so we know who to give control of the project to.

yuvipanda claimed this task.
yuvipanda subscribed.

I, uh, actually already created the project and forgot to close this task...

I've been appropriately shamed!