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status of studentgroups@ and studentclubs@ mail aliases?
Closed, ResolvedPublic


who knows what these were? are they used?

341 # studentgroups RT-1609
342 studentgroups:  studentclubs

Event Timeline

Hi @FloorKoudijs you have been recommend to me as a person who might know more about these. Are these mail addresses still used? Best regards, Daniel

Hi @Dzahn for asking. I have never heard of those email aliases. They don't sound familiar to me at all, I'm afraid.
Sorry I couldn't be of more help. Best of luck!

Hey @FloorKoudijs thank you! I have a feeling these are not used since a long time, but i'll check logfiles to make sure.

@Dzahn was anything found there? Can this task be closed?

@Platonides No, it can't be closed. It's still unknown if these are used. If studentclubs@ is a Google group, the easiest solution would be if OIT can just add studentgroups@ as an alias there. Then we could remove it on our side and close the ticket.

who knows what these were?

@Dzahn: See T79946 which mentions Ariley and Winifred.

Thanks Aklapper. I mailed Ariley and Winifred (blindly trying the old addresses).

Dzahn lowered the priority of this task from Medium to Low.Aug 18 2017, 6:37 PM

@bcampbell or @bbogaert Could you check for me on the Google side if you have any group/alias/account called nowadays? Thanks!

@bcampbell Thank you, i'll just remove it then (unless Winifred tells me otherwise).

removed exim alias in private repo.

-# studentgroups RT-1609
-studentgroups:  studentclubs

it was just about studentgroups -> studentclubs anyways. studentclubs@ itself is:

[mx1001:~] $ sudo exim4 -bt
  router = ldap_account, transport = remote_smtp
  host []
